ALI-591: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for Europe and Africa)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-590: Quran Appreciation ages 7-9 years

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-589: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and inspirational Quran learning for children. The present course will cover Sūrat Anbiyā verses 78-82 and Sūrat Saba’ verses 12-14. Students will learn about the story of Prophet Dawood (a) and Prophet Sulaymān (a) and acquire practical lessons in self growth and relationship building. Interactive sessions will involve debates, kahoot … Read more

Fall 2020: The Story of Talut and Jalut

Course Outline Theme: The Story of Talut and Jalut Sessions 1st Session: Introductions / Important Sciences of Quranic Study 2nd Session – Introduction to Nabī Dawūd (a), Tālūt and Jālūt. Sūrat al-Baqarah Verse 246 (i): The appeal of the Banu Israel for the appointment of a King; The foresight of Samuel. A leader’s knowledge of … Read more

Summer 2020: Story of The People of Saba

  Download Notes The people of Saba – Introduction Surat Saba, verse 15 Surat Saba, verses 16-17 Surat Saba, verse 18 Surat Saba, verse 19 Surat Saba, verses 20-21

Spring 2020: The Story of The People of the Garden

Course Outline Theme: Story of the People of the Garden Sessions Session One (Mar 27th) – Sūrat al-Qalam Verses 17-20. Introduction to the story of the people of the Garden. Session Two (Apr 3rd) – Sūrat al-Qalam Verses 21-25. The plan of the people of the Garden Session Three (Apr 10th) – Sūrat al-Qalam Verses … Read more

Winter 2021: The Story of Prophet Sulayman (a)

Course Outline Theme: The Story of Prophet Sulayman (a) Sessions 1st Session: (Sūrat al-Anbiya Verse 78) – The judgment of Prophet Dāwūd and Prophet Sulaymān (a). Judgement according to Imam Ali (a). Discussions between parents and children. (Connecting Verses – 38:26, 5:49-50) 2nd Session: (Sūrat al-Anbiya Verse 79-80) – Prophet Dāwūd and Prophet Sulaymān’s God-given … Read more

ALI-588: ‘Ālam al-Dharr (The World of Pre-existence)

The concept of ‘alam al-dharr often raises more questions than answers. What is the relationship between this world and our current state in this world? Was there a world preceding this world, and why do we have no recollection of it? Muslim scholars and commentators have proposed multiple interpretations to the reality of the primal … Read more

ALI-578: Quran Appreciation ages 7-9 years

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and inspirational Quran learning for children. The present course will cover Sūrat Anbiyā verses 78-82 and Sūrat Saba’ verses 12-14. Students will learn about the story of Prophet Dawood (a) and Prophet Sulaymān (a) and acquire practical lessons in self growth and relationship building. Interactive sessions will involve debates, kahoot … Read more