ALI-093: Sanctity of Family Life

Various topics on the sanctity of family life will be covered. These include: Family unit and relations within a family are sanctified in Islam; obligations that Islam puts on the kith and kin; is materialistic life style responsible for decrease in the quality of family life; revisiting the institution of marriage; and possible reasons for … Read more

ALI-091: Preparation for Muharram (Arabic)

This course aims to prepare the youths for the month of Muharram. It starts with a deep analysis of the personality of Imam Hussein (as) as an Imam, a father and a savior of the true Islam. It also investigates the role of the Imam in the battle of Karbala and its consequences. Practically, the … Read more

ALI-086: In preparation of Imam Mahdi’s (a) Reappearance

One of the most important topics in the study of Imamah is the belief in the living proof of Allah, Imam al-Mahdi (a). Often the followers of the Imam are called upon to prove this belief in the ghayb (unseen). Often the followers of the Imam wonder about the nature of His guidance and leadership. … Read more

ALI-085: Qur’anic Arabic, Level 4

These courses are designed to help students understand the meaning of the Holy Qur’an. Vocabulary used will be almost exclusively from Qur’an, Hadith, Du’as, etc. Each level will introduce simple rules of Arabic grammar. The book Access to Qur’anic Arabic by AbdulWahid Hamid will be used as a text. Additional lessons and worksheets will also … Read more

ALI-083: Tadabbur: Lessons from Sūrat Luqmān

Who was Luqmān? Why is the sūrah known by his name? The Qur’ān is a guide & mercy to the Muhsinīn? Reflection on the wisdom of Luqmān’s advices to his son such as avoid Shirk entirely; rights of parents; minor & small deeds also get recorded; say prayers regularly, and art of moderation. These and … Read more

ALI-082: The Blessed Night of Qadr in Irfan

The night of Qadr was when the Qur’an came down to Prophet Muhammad ( s). It is the night when the Ruh and angels descend, and it is peace up to the dawn. The Qur’an and Ma`sumin ( a) have encouraged us to benefit from this night for it is during this time that the … Read more