Day 27 – Sūrat al-Humazah

Brief Info Sūrat al-Humazah No. 104. Revealed in Makkah, 9 verses. This sūra is about those whose sole perspective of life is gaining wealth and hoarding it. Merits of reciting the Sūra Imam al-Sādiq ‘alayhims-salām has said: Whoever recites al-Humaza in the obligatory prayers, poverty will be far from him, sustenance will be close to him and evil … Read more

Day 26 – Sūrat al-‘Asr

Brief Info Sūrat al-‘Asr No. 103. Revealed in Makkah, 3 verses. According to scholars this small sūra encapsulates the message of the Quran. It conveys what is required for the ultimate happiness of the human being. Merits of reciting the Sūra Imam al-Sadiq ‘alayhis salaam has said: Whoever recites al-Asr in the nawāfil prayers, Allah will raise him … Read more

Day 25 – Sūrat al-Takathur

Brief Info Sūrat al-Takāthur No. 102. Revealed in Makkah, 8 verses. Merits of reciting the Sūra The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam has said: Whoever recites it, Allah will not take him to account for the blessings granted to him in the world and he will receive the reward of one who recites a thousand verses. Note: This … Read more

Quranic Reflection No. 523. Ayat 14:34 – Gratitude at the End of Ramadan

وَإِن تَعُدُّوا نِعْمَتَ اللَّهِ لَا تُحْصُوهَا Wa-in ta‘uddū ni ‘mata-llāhi lā tuhsūhā And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. (Sūrat Ibrāhīm, No 14, Āyat 34) As we complete the month of Ramadan believers are filled with a mixture of sadness and joy. The sadness that the blessed month … Read more

Day 24 – Sūrat al-Qari’ah

Brief Info Sūrat al-Qāri‘ah No. 101. Revealed in Makkah, 11 verses. The name of the sūra, from the first verse, is a name of the Day of Judgment. It signifies the unimaginable change and fear that the Day will bring. Merits of reciting the Sūra. Imam al-Bāqir ‘alayhis-salaām has said: Whoever recites al-Qāri‘ah, Allah will keep him safe … Read more

Day 23 – Sūrat al-Adiyat

Brief Info Sūrat al-‘Ādiyāt, No. 100. Revealed in Madinah, 11 verses. The oaths in the beginning of the sūra are said to refer to the horses that run towards the battlefield, or the camels that take pilgrims to the sacred places in Makkah. Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam has said: Whoever recites … Read more

Day 22 – Sūrat al-Zilzal

Brief Info Sūrat al-Zilzāl, No. 99. Revealed in Madinah, 8 verses. Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam has said: Whoever recites it, it is as though he has recited al-Baqarah and will be rewarded like the one who has recited a fourth of the Quran. Imam al-Sadiq (a) emphasized reciting this sūra in … Read more

Day 21 – Sūrat al-Bayyinah

Brief Info Sūrat al-Bayyinah, No. 98. Revealed in Madinah, 8 verses Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam has said: Whoever recites it at night, Allah sends angels who protect his religion and his worldly affairs, and they seek forgiveness and mercy for him. And when he recites it during the day, he will … Read more

Day 20 – Sūrat al-Qadr

Brief Info Sūrat al-Qadr, No. 97. Revealed in Makkah, 5 verses. Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam has said: Whoever recites it will get the reward of one who fasted in the month of Ramadan and stayed up [for worship] on the night of Qadr. According to scholars such a status will be … Read more

Day 19 – Sūrat al-Alaq

Brief Info Sūrat al-‘Alaq, No. 96. Revealed in Makkah, 19 verses. Commentators of the Quran believe that this was the first sūra to be revealed to the Prophet sallal-lāhū ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam. Merits of reciting the Sūra. Imam al-Sādiq ‘alayhis-salām has said: Whoever recites Sūrat ‘Alaq during the day or at night and dies that day or night … Read more