ALI-274: Islam and the Theory of Evolution

The course will introduce the students to a comprehensive understanding of evolution before embarking on the Islamic perspective. The Islamic perspective will take an in-depth look at the theory from a theological, and then a scriptural perspective. In the scriptural analysis, students will learn tools of interpreting the Quran and then work directly with verses … Read more

ALI-273: Introduction to Sahīfa Sajjādiyya

The course will cover a comprehensive discussion on the significance, role and authenticity of Sahīfa Sajjādiyyah. We will discuss the need and relevance of the Du‘ās of the Sahīfa in contemporary times. Days: Two Tuesday Sep 9 & 16, 2014 from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Venue: JCC, Seminar Room B 045 Instructor: Hasanayn Kassamali Slides Session 1

ALI-271: Importance of Saying Salat Correctly

Most Muslims say their salāt but many find it challenging to achieve the spirituality and presence of heart which makes the salāt an act of soaring to the Lord. This course will look at fiqhī (jurisprudential) and ‘irfāni (spiritual) aspects of salāt with the aim of offering prayers to get us closer to the Creator. … Read more

ALI-263: Islamic Art for beginners (for ladies ages 16+)

During this four week interactive course we will explore different areas of Islamic arts. Students will learn about Islamic calligraphy and patterns and incorporate these into their own Islamic artwork. All materials will be provided. Dates: 4 Monday evenings, May 5-26, 2014; Timings: 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. with a break for salāt. Instructor: Sr. Alina Juma … Read more

ALI-270: Methodology and Practice of Qur’anic Tadabbur

Madrasah Az-Zahraa and the Academy for Learning Islam (A.L.I.) are pleased to present following course for the month of April, 2014. This three-session course will look at practical ways of doing Qur’anic Tadabbur. The course will begin by looking at Qur’anic verses that encourage Muslims to do tadabbur. We will then proceed to define Qur’anic … Read more

ALI-269A: Communicating with children about puberty?

A separate session for mothers and fathers on how they can communicate with children about issues regarding puberty and physical maturity. The talk will include: Importance of good communication between parents and children Information that children get from school and outside sources Necessary talks on puberty, hormonal changes, gender interaction, and sexuality Details Schedule: Saturday, April … Read more

ALI-264: Quran Appreciation, Suras Naml and Anbiya

Children will continue to read and discuss verses 15-44 of Sūratun Naml and verses 78-82 of Sūratul Anbiyā, on the story of Nabī Dawūd (a) and Nabī Sulaymān (a). They will work on a play showing four scenes from the stories of Nabī Sulaymān (a) in Sūratun Naml. Dates: Fridays, April 4 – June 13 (with possible … Read more

ALI-256: Spiritual and Jurisprudential Aspects of Salāt

The Holy Qur’an says: surely Salat prevents indecencies and wrongs (Q 29:45).The famous Prophetic tradition says: Salat is the pillar of religion. Most Muslims say their Salat but many find it challenging to achieve the spirituality and presence of heart which makes the salat an act of soaring to the Lord. This course will look … Read more

ALI-255: Spiritual Lessons from the Life of the Holy Prophet (s)

This course if for women only. How does the life of the Prophet (s) inspire us spiritually? How do we move from the ritual to the spiritual, and learn the true essence of the message of the Prophet (s)? This course will try to answer these questions, and discuss events from the life of Prophet … Read more

ALI-254: Qur’anic Arabic Sessions

In this ongoing course, we plan to cover deriving nouns (masdar) from verbs, Forms II to VI of Verbs and their application. Besides covering Units 30 – 34 in the textbook Access to Qur’anic Arabic by AbdulWahid Hamid, we will also draw examples from various passages of Holy Qur’an; Traditions and Supplications of the Ma‘sumeen … Read more