ALI-136: Wives of the Holy Prophet (s)

This course will discus the philosophy of the marriages of the Holy Prophet (s). We will see what historians – both Muslim and non-Muslim – have to say about the wives of the Prophet (s) and learn about each individual wife. The second session will discuss Qur’anic passages on the wives of the Prophet (s). … Read more

ALI-135: Dimensions of the Holy Prophet’s (s) Mission in the Last Three Years

This course will focus on following topics: Da’awa activities, spread of Islam and reaction of the world, Islam and pluralism, and Da’awa today. Instructor: Shaykh Safder Jaffer Dates: Saturday March 15th and Sunday March 16th, 2008 Timings: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm GMT Eligibility: All Muslims ages 16 and over Resources Session 1 Session 2

ALI-134: Seeing Allah (swt) in the world around us

We know Allah is present everywhere, yet how can we perceive Him and His Unity in a world of multiplicity? Inspiration from the Qur’an, ahadith, and supplications of the Ahlul Bayt to help us see signs of Allah in nature, technology, and our daily lives. Instructor: Salim Yusufali Date: Two Saturdays, December 15th and 22nd, … Read more

ALI-131: Hajj Seminar

An overview of Hajj rules. The session will include preparing for Hajj, fiqh rules on Umra-e-Tamattu and Hajj-e-Tamattu, and spirituality during Hajj. The seminar will also discuss the logistics of being part of the HAC/HAS group. Instructors: Abbas Jaffer and Mustafa Jaffer Date: Sunday, November 18th, 2007 Timings: 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. EST Eligibility: … Read more

ALI-122: Ibadah in Nahjul Balagha

The Nahjul Balagha takes an enlightened view of worship. After the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (‘s), it is the main source of inspiration towards worship in the Islamic tradition. Imam Ali (a) describes the levels of Ibadah, the various approaches of people towards Ibadah, the night vigils of the Pious, … Read more

ALI-121: Why is there a special form of Azaa for the martyrs of Karbala?

The course will look at different forms of Azaa (Azadari) performed to mourn the martyrs of Karbala and discuss the reasons for holding such commemoration. The following forms of Azaa will be discussed in detail: Marthiya, Alam, Shabih, weeping and wailing and Ma`tam (latmiyyah). The participants will be encouraged to relate their personal experiences and … Read more

ALI-120: Significance of the Events of Karbala

Millions of people over many centuries have been inspired by the great and unprecedented sacrifice of Imam al-Husayn (a), his family and companions in Karbala. The course will look at some of the theological and ethical lessons which Muslims of this era can derive from studying the events of Karbala. We will closely study some … Read more

ALI-116: The Last Luminary

The Last Luminary: And ways to delve into the Light The well-known and accepted tradition of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) tells us that: The person who dies and does not have a Ma’rifat of the Imam of his age dies the death of those of the period of … Read more

ALI-110: Islamic Civilization

This course is designed to help students understand the important contributions of Islamic civilization to society. It will encompass the areas of science, mathematics, art and architecture and astronomy. It will also include details on the Muslim scientists who excelled in these fields, as well as the role of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a) in propagating … Read more