Réflexion Coranique N°278. Āyat 12 :18 – Réformer une mauvaise action

قَالَ بَلْ سَوَّلَتْ لَكُمْ أَنفُسُكُمْ أَمْرًا Qāla bal sawwalat lakum anfusakum amrā Il dit :  Vos âmes, plutôt, vous ont suggéré quelque chose… (Sūrat Yusuf, No 12, Āyat 18) Lorsque les frères du prophète Yūsuf ‘alayhis-salām ont apporté sa chemise à leur père et ont raconté la fausse histoire sur la manière dont le loup l’a mangé, … Read more

Quranic Reflection No. 521. Ayat 19:4 – Supplicating with Hope

  لَمْ أَكُن بِدُعَائِكَ رَبِّ شَقِيًّا Lam akun bidu‘ā’ika rabbi shaqiyyā Never have I, my Lord, been disappointed in supplicating You! (Sūrat Maryam, No 19, Āyat 4) One of the etiquettes of supplication is having hope in Allah ‘azza wajall. The attitude of the supplicator/invoker (dā‘i) must show a confidence in his prayer being accepted, based … Read more

Day 10 – Sūrat al-A’la

Brief Info Sūrat al-A‘lā, No. 87. Revealed in Makkah, 19 verses. Special emphasis has been laid on the recitation of this sūra. It is reported that the Prophet (s) loved this sūra and the Ma’sūmīn (a) recited it often in their prayers after al-Fātiha. They would respond to the command to glorify Allah in the … Read more

Day 9 – Sūrat al-Tariq

Brief Info Sūrat al-Tāriq, No. 86. Revealed in Makkah, 17 verses. Merits of reciting the Sūra The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam: Whoever recites sūra al-Tāriq in the obligatory prayer will have a rank and status with Allah on the Day of Judgment and will be from the companions of the Prophets in Heaven. Note: The reward is … Read more

Day 8 – Sūrat al-Buruj

Brief Info Sūrat al-Burūj, No. 85. Revealed in Makkah, 22 verses. The early Muslims faced a lot of pressure and torture from the disbelievers. Not everyone was strong enough to withstand it. This sūra strengthens the spirit of the believers and encourage them to stand firm. Merits of reciting the Sūra The Prophet (s) has … Read more

Day 7 – Sūrat al-Inshiqaq

Brief Info Sūrat al-Inshiqāq, No. 84. Revealed in Makkah, 25 verses. Merits of reciting the sūra. The Prophet (s) has said: Whoever recites Sūrat al-Inshiqāq, Allah will save him from receiving his book from behind his back. According to Imam al-Sadiq (a) in the book Thawab al-A’maal, there is great reward for reciting Sūrat al-Infitār and … Read more

Day 6 – Sūrat al-Mutaffifin

Brief Info Sūrat al-Mutaffifin, No. 83. Revealed in Makkah, 36 verses. Since the beginning verses of this sūra talk about those who defraud and cheat people, some Mufassirūn believe that it is possible that part of this Sūra was revealed in Madinah. However, most of the verses are in line with what was revealed in … Read more

Day 4 – Sūrat al-Takwir

Brief Info Sūrat al-Takwir, No. 81. Revealed in Makkah, 29 verses.  This sūra was revealed in the early years of the Prophet Muhammad’s mission. Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam said: Whoever recites Sūrat al-Takwir Allah will protect him from being humiliated when his book of deeds is opened. Note – This protection will … Read more

Day 3 – Sūrat ‘Abasa

Brief Info Sūrat ‘Abasa, No. 80. Revealed in Makkah, 42 verses.  A short sūra covering some important topics, including an emphasis on resurrection. It is the only sūra with a title that is a verb. Merits of reciting the Sūra. The Prophet (s) said: Whoever recites Sūra ‘Abasa will come to the gathering place on … Read more