ALI-004: Reciprocal Rights in Islam

One of the salient features of Islam is that it caters for the welfare of all sections of society. Consequently, we observe that Islam recommends rights for parents as well as children, for teachers and students, for rulers as well as for the ruled, etc. In ALI 004 we will Insha’-Allah study in detail the … Read more

ALI-003: Lessons from As-Sahifat As Sajjadiyyah

This course will look into select Du`âs from the Sahîfa of Imam Imam Zaynul `Âbidîn (a) and attempt to derive lessons on spiritual, creedal and ethical aspects of day-to-day life. We will begin with five supplications that can be applied in daily life and end with a detailed discussion on Du`â Makârimul Akhlâq in the … Read more

ALI-002: Understanding the Ja’fari Fiqh

Topics to be discussed Introduction to the origin and development of Ja`fari fiqh The emergence of the four madhaahib amongst Sunnis; founders of the schools and the differences between them Definitions and understanding of technical terms in Islamic jurisprudence Ijtihaad and taqleed in our madhhab compared to the Sunni fiqh The ritual purification: Why and … Read more

ALI-001: Introduction to As-Saheefah As-Sajjadiyya

Every student is expected to attend all the twelve weeks on time and bring an Arabic text of the Holy Qur’aan that contains English translation (preferably by M H Shakir) and The Psalms of Islam translated by William Chittick. At the end of every session students will be assigned some reading and the study of … Read more