ALI-158: Overcoming Indecisiveness (for ladies only)

Dates June 29 – 30, 2009 Instructor Tahera Kassamali Description Decisions are an essential part of life. Making a decision means to decide between two or more alternatives. Every decision has an outcome and has consequences. We are often indecisive in life, not knowing which option is the best. This one session workshop will look … Read more

ALI-156: Essential advice on Marriage

This course will focus on issues of importance to Engaged and newly wed Muslim couples. It will include; Sanctity and Philosophy of Marriage, Spousal Rights, Rights of parents and extended family after marriage, Spousal relationship, and Islamic Laws regarding marriage. The course will include two sessions for both males and females, and two sessions for … Read more

ALI-155: Essential advice on Marriage

Dates May 16 – May 24, 2009 Instructor Hasnain Kassamali Description This weekend webnar (i.e. online seminar) will focus on issues of importance to engaged and newly wed Muslim couples. It will include; Sanctity and Philosophy of Marriage, Spousal Rights, Rights of parents and extended family after marriage, Spousal relationship, and  Islamic Laws regarding marriage. … Read more

ALI-139: Qur’ânic Arabic Level V

Course Outline: (PDF) Notes: Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Homework: Homework 1 Homework 2 Homework 3 Homework 4 Homework 6 Homework 7

ALI-116: The Last Luminary

The Last Luminary: And ways to delve into the Light The well-known and accepted tradition of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) tells us that: The person who dies and does not have a Ma’rifat of the Imam of his age dies the death of those of the period of … Read more

ALI-110: Islamic Civilization

This course is designed to help students understand the important contributions of Islamic civilization to society. It will encompass the areas of science, mathematics, art and architecture and astronomy. It will also include details on the Muslim scientists who excelled in these fields, as well as the role of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a) in propagating … Read more

ALI-111: Understanding the Azaa for Imam al-Husayn (a)

The course will cover discussion on mourning and weeping for Imam al-Husayn (a) and other martyrs of Karbala. We intend to look closely at some of the frequently asked questions on Azaadari: why do we mourn Imam al-Husayn in a special way? When did this begin? Is it Islamic to participate in Azaa? Are the … Read more

ALI-105: Tafsīr of Du‘ā’ Abu Hamza Thumālī

This course is designed to explore the profound treasures that exist in Du‘ā’ Abu Hamza Thumālī taught to us by Imam Zaynul ‘Ābidīn (a) and the merits of supplicating in the early hours of the Holy month of Ramadhan. Sessions will include tafsīr, reading, reflection, and references to other supplications of the 4th Imam and … Read more

ALI-102: Microsoft Word and Excel

This course will help students learn how to use Microsoft Word and Excel effectively and efficiently. The Excel course contents include performing calculations, sorts, creating and using other various tools. The Microsoft Word Course is using computers to create, revise, and save documents for printing and future retrieval. It will provide you with the basic … Read more

ALI-099: Arabic Conversation

Arabic conversation clas s is intended to teach conversational Arabic for beginners. It will include the basics of starting a conversation in an Arabic d ialect that is most commonly used. Students will learn new vocabulary and then apply this vocabulary in conversations. By the en d of the course, students will be able to … Read more