ALI-530: The Ahlul Bayt and Family Relationships (for women only)

The Holy Ahlul Bayt (a) taught believers how to strengthen and enhance their family relationships. This course will study what we know of the marriage of Imam Ali (a) and Bibi Fatima (a) and their family relationships. Instructor: Sr. Tahera Kassamali Schedule: Three Tuesdays Feb 11, 18 and 25, 2020; 10.30 am – 12.00 noon. … Read more

ALI-531: Themes from Surat al-Kahf

This course will discuss the ahādith from A’immah (a) and general guidance elaborated by the mufassirin about the 18th Surah of the Quran, including the benefits of the Surah. We will cover three narratives: 1) The Inhabitants of the Cave in verses 9 – 26, 2) Nabi Musa meeting Khidr in verses 60 -82, and … Read more

ALI-506: The Ahlul Bayt and Family Relationships (Women Only)

The holy Ahlul Bayt were excellent examples for believers. This course will look at how the Prophet (s) emphasized certain Akhlāq and Ādāb for harmony in the family. Instructor: Sr. Tahera Kassamali Schedule: 3 Tuesdays, Oct 29-Nov 12 10.30 a.m.- 12 noon. Fees: $30 payable upon registration. Registration: Note: For Women Only Course Materials … Read more

ALI-510: Building a Spiritually Strong Family Unit (Women Only)

In today’s age of technology and fast-paced lifestyles, there are critical building blocks that Islam promotes a strong family unit. This course will discuss increasing spirituality, understanding various roles, and reducing distractions in light of building this strong family unit.  Instructor: Sr. Sabiha Jaffer Schedule: 3 Tuesdays Nov 19-Dec 3, 2019; 10.30 am-12.00 noon. Fees: … Read more

ALI-523: Mindfulness with Mandalas (Women Only)

Mandalas are intricate and repetitive patterned artworks that are great for practicing mindfulness. This course involves learning how to create zentangle and mandala patterns. The first aspect of the course will involve students practicing mandala and zentangle patterns. The second part involves participants creating artwork based on the styles they have learned and practiced. If … Read more