ALI-608: Traveling the Spiritual Journey (for women only)

  This course will look at spiritual wayfaring and the different stages of the spiritual journey. We will discuss various verses of Quran and hadith that talk about the steps of this journey. Readings will be extracted from a) Stages of Spiritual Journey by ‘Allāmah Muhammad Husayn Tabātabā’ī. b) Spiritual Journeying in the words of Shia Mystics by Sayyidah Iram-Zahra … Read more

ALI-607: Quranic Arabic Level 1

Quranic Arabic helps Muslims understand the language of the Quran. In this course (offered in three levels over three terms) we will learn simple Quranic vocabulary and grammar. Students will need to put in an average of three hours a week to work on the course. In this semester we will identify nouns and their … Read more

ALI-619: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Br. Amjad Datoo Schedule: Mondays Sept 20- Nov 29th, 8-9 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration:  

ALI-618: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Sr. Najma Dhala-Datoo Schedule: Fridays Sept 17- Nov 26th, 8.30-9.30 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration:  

ALI-617: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Sr. Nasifa Remtula Schedule: Fridays Sept 17- Nov 26th, 2021; 7-8 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration:

ALI-616: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Sr. Sukaina Jaffer-Fazal Schedule: Wednesdays Sept 15- Nov 24th, 7-8 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration:  

ALI-543: Quran Appreciation for Boys (13-16 years)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover verses 17-32 of Sura Qalam (#68), teaching children some lessons from the story of the people of the Garden. Instructor: Br. Amin Kermali Schedule: Online for 3 Sundays April 5, 12 & 19, 2020, from 6:30 -7:30 pm. Toronto time. Fees: $20.00 … Read more

ALI-544: Creative Interactions with the Quran

Join us as we embark on a practical ‘hands on’ journey of interacting with the Quran during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This 3 week course will offer detailed steps on how to tab your Quran, do Quran journaling with reference to Hadith and use technology to deepen your understanding of the H.Book.

Instructors: Sr Sabira Rashid-Juma and Sr. Najma Dhala-Datoo
Schedule: 3 Sundays – May 3rd, 10th and 17th at 2:00 pm EST

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ALI-554: Developing Social and Emotional Intelligence in Children

The sense of self-awareness and empathy towards others are key in the development of Social and Emotional Intelligence (SEI). This course examines key factors in the development of SEI and the important role of parents/caregivers in fueling these qualities. We will draw from the lens of our Holy Prophet’s practice in this area. Instructor: Sr. … Read more

ALI-529: Drawing from Nature (Allah’s creations)

Students will examine the beautiful designs and textures in Nature whilst learning to draw realistic impressions of them. This is a great way to improve all types of art skills such as observation, composition and shading. Instructor: Sr. Alina Juma Schedule: Four Mondays Jan 20-Feb 10, 2020; 8.30-10.00 pm. Fees: $40 payable upon registration. Registration: … Read more