ALI 636: Quran Appreciation, for Boys Ages 13-16

Students will learn about Sūrat Yūsuf Verses 1-18, encounter of Nabī Yūsuf (a) and his brothers. Schedule: Monday – Sept 26th – Nov 28th (29 Safar – 3 Jumādā al-Ūlā) 7:30-8:30 pm *Classes to begin with Maghrib salat at prime time for the first 3 weeks* Instructor: Br Amjad Datoo Fee: $50 Registration:

ALI 633: Quran Appreciation, for Girls Ages 13-16

Students will learn about Sūrat Yūsuf Verses 1-18, encounter of Nabī Yūsuf (a) and his brothers. Schedule: Monday – Sept 19th – Nov 21st (22 Safar – 26 Rabī’ al-Ākhir 1444) 7:30-8:30 pm *Classes to begin with Maghrib salat at prime time for the first 4 weeks* Instructor: Sr Najma Dhala-Datoo Fee: $50 Registration:

ALI 626: Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 10-12

Students will learn about Sūrat Yūsuf Verses 1-18, encounter of Nabī Yūsuf (a) and his brothers. Schedule: Friday – Sept 23rd – Nov 25th (26 Safar – 30 Rabī’ al-Ākhir 1444), 4:30-5:30 pm Instructor: Sr Nasifa Remtula Fee: $50.00 Registration:

ALI 623: Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 7-9

Students will learn about Sūrat Yūsuf Verses 1-18, encounter of Nabī Yūsuf (a) and his brothers. Schedule: Wednesday – Sept 21st – Nov 23rd (24 Safar – 28 Rabī’ al-Ākhir 1441) 5:00-6:00 pm Instructor: Sr Sukaina Jaffer-Fazal Fee: 50 Registration:

Quranic Reflection No 591. Āyāt 3:52 – Helpers of Allah ‘azza wajall.

Bismillāh. 26 August 2022/28 Muharram, 1444 Did you buy your copy of Muharram and Safar Devotions? Go to for details. قَالَ مَنْ أنْصَارِي إلَى اللَّه Qāla man ansārī ilallah He said: Who will be my helpers in Allah’s way? (Sūrat Āli Imrān, No 3, Āyat 52) This verse is a question asked by Nabī … Read more

ALI 638: Quranic Arabic Level 4

In this ONLINE course of seven sessions via Zoom, we will InshaAllah go through passages from the Quranic surahs to learn the vocabulary and look at  simple rules of Arabic grammar covered in Lessons 18 to 26 in the main text Qur’anic Language Made Easy. During the class, we will often refer to the The Qur’an: With a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation by … Read more

ALI-611: Assisted Reading and Brief Explanation of the Quran

The participants will engage actively with the Quran to establish a meaningful relationship with it. Students are expected to read the English translation of the Quran, preparing the equivalent of five pages of the Arabic text per week. The instructor will clarify the main points of the section, including the meanings of harder Arabic words … Read more

Réflexion Coranique No. 348 Āyat 64 :11 – Les différents types de calamités

مَا أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِMā sāba min musībatin illā bi-idhni-llāhNul malheur n’atteint [l’homme] que par la permission d’Allah.(Sūrat al-Taghābun, No 64, Āyat 11) Ce verset vient après deux versets qui décrivent les croyants et les mécréants. Il parle des afflictions comme d’un point de réflexion pour les deux groupes. Ceux qui croient doivent … Read more

Quranic Reflection No 590. Āyāt 47:30 – Tone of Speech

Did you buy your copy of Muharram and Safar Devotions? Go to for more details. وَلَتَعْرِفَنَّهُمْ فِي لَحْنِ الْقَوْلِ Walata‘rifannahum fī lahnil-qawl But you will surely know them by the tone of [their] speech. (Sūrat Muhammad, No 47, Āyat 30) The speech of a human being reveals a lot about his or her inner … Read more

Réflexion Coranique No. 347 Āyat 7 :45 – Rendre le sentier de la religion tortueux 

الَّذِينَ يَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَيَبْغُونَهَا عِوَجًا وَهُم بِالْآخِرَةِ كَافِرُونَ Alladhīna yasuddūna ‘an sabīlillī wayabghūnahā ‘iwajan wahum bil’ākhirati kāfirūn Qui obstruaient le sentier d’Allah, qui voulaient le rendre tortueux, et qui ne croyaient pas à l’au-delà. (Sūrat al-A‘rāf, No 7, Āyat 45) Ce verset décrit certaines qualités des zālimīn – les injustes et les malfaisants. Ils : … Read more