ALI-617: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Sr. Nasifa Remtula Schedule: Fridays Sept 17- Nov 26th, 2021; 7-8 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration:

ALI-616: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years

Students will learn about the story of Nabi Shu’ayb (a) from Surat al-Hud, verses 84-93. Instructor: Sr. Sukaina Jaffer-Fazal Schedule: Wednesdays Sept 15- Nov 24th, 7-8 pm. Fees: $55 Venue: A.L.I. Center, Unit 210B, 2535 Major Mackenzie Dr W, Vaughan Registration: