ALI-599: Establishing an Intimate relation with God

A close relationship with Allah is the key to happiness and success in this world and the Hereafter. This webinar will discuss Allah’s love for His creatures and His qualities that reflect that love. The session will be ninety minutes long. Instructor: Dr. Mahnaz Heyderpour Date: April 3 Timings: LA/Vancouver 8 am, Toronto/NY 11 am, … Read more

ALI-597: Spiritual Guidance from the life of Imam al-Hasan (a)

Safeguarding spirituality during times of corruption is a challenge for modern believers. In this course we will take lessons from Imam al-Hasan (a)’s spiritual steadfastness amidst turbulent times. Each session will be an hour long. Instructor: Sr Tahera Kassamali Dates: 2 Tuesdays, Mar 16 and 23, 2021 Timings: LA/Vancouver 8.30 am, Toronto/NY 11.30 am, UK 3.30pm, … Read more

ALI-595: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (boys)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-594: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (girls)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-592: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America – Fridays)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-591: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for Europe and Africa)

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

ALI-590: Quran Appreciation ages 7-9 years

Quran Appreciation classes offer child-friendly and interactive Quran learning for children. The present courses will cover the story of Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba in Sūrat Naml verses 29-35 and verses 41-45. Students will learn about her role as a ruler and her meeting with Prophet Sulaymān (a). Each session will be an hour long. … Read more

Réflexion Coranique N°268. Āyat 17 :89 – Les Vastes Stratégies du Coran

وَلَقَدْ صَرَّفْنَا لِلنَّاسِ فِي هَٰذَا الْقُرْآنِ مِنْ كُلِّ مَثَلٍ فَأَبَىٰ أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ إِلَّا كُفُورًا Walaqad sarrafnā linnāsi fī hādhal-qur’āni min kulli mathanlin fa-abā aktharun-nāsi illā kufūrā Et certes, Nous avons déployé pour les gens, dans ce Coran, toutes sortes d’exemples. Mais la plupart des gens s’obstinent à être mécréants. (Soūrat al-Isrā, No 17, Āyat 89) … Read more