Day 15 – Sūrat al-Talāq

Familiarization with Quranic Sūras

Month of Ramadan 1441 – Day 15

Sūrat al-Talāq

Sūra Information
Sūrat al-Talaq, No.65, Revealed in Madinah, 12 verses.
The Sūra is called al-Talāq because most of the Sūra discusses the laws of divorce.  It is also known as Sūrat al-Nisā al-Sughrā (the smaller al-Nisā) with Sūra No. 4 being Sura al-Nisā al-Kubrā.

Sūra Significance
Whoever recites Sūrat al-Talaq dies while being on the Sunnah of the Prophet (s).
That refers to one who recites it and acts upon its teachings in life.

Synopsis of contents
The Sūra has two main components:
1) The rules of divorce. (verses 1-7)
2) Punishment of wrong doers. (verses 8-10)
3) Role of the Prophet (s) and Greatness of Allah. (verses 11-12)

Important Messages
1) The laws of divorce are from the bounds of Allah which must not be transgressed. (verse 1)
2) Allah does not burden anyone except according to what He has given him. (verse 7)
3) The Prophet (s) recites the signs of Allah to bring believers out of darkness into light. (verse 11)

Select verses from the Sūra to know (learn, reflect, memorize)
1) Q 65:2-3 Whoever is conscious of Allah, He shall make for him a way out [of the adversities of the world and the Hereafter] and provide for him from whence he does not count upon. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Indeed, Allah carries through His commands. Certainly, Allah has ordained a measure for everything.

Activities for self-study
1) What are the different rulings outlined in verses 1 and 2?
2) What are the results of a person who practices taqwā? See verses 2, 4 and 5.

Sources: Āyatullāh Nāsir Makārim Shirazi (Ed.), Tafsīr-e Namūneh;; M. H. Shakir, Holy Qur’an Translation; Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’an With a Phrase-by-Phrase English. Mir Ahmed Ali, The Quran: Text, Translation and Commentary.

Past lessons of Sūra Familiarization available at:

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PDF document – Sura Familiarization 14441 – Day 15 al-Talaq