Day 14 – Sūrat al-Mumtahana

Familiarization with Quranic Sūras

Month of Ramadan 1441 – Day 14

Sūrat al-Mumtahana

Sūra Information
Sūrat al-Mumtahana, No.60, Revealed in Madinah, 13 verses.
The Sūra is called al-Mumtahana because of verse 10 which tells the Prophet (s) to test the women who left their families and migrated from Makkah to Madinah.

Sūra Significance
Whoever recites Sūrat al-Mumtahana the believing men and believing women will intercede for him on the Day of Judgment. Holy Prophet (s)
Whoever recites Sūrat al-Mumtahana in obligatory and recommended prayers, Allah will make his heart pure and receptive for faith, and illuminate his sight, he will not see poverty in life and he and his children will never be afflicted with insanity. Imam Zaynul ‘Ābidīn (a)
Of course these rewards are not just for mindless recitation, rather a recitation that is based on faith and a desire to follow its teachings.

Synopsis of contents
The Sūra has two main components:
1) The concept of love and dislike for the sake of Allah (swt). The verses prohibit believers from close friendship with those who reject Allah and harbor enmity against Islam. This section draws upon the example of Prophet Ibrāhīm (a). (verses 1-9)
2) The women who immigrated to Madinah and the pledge they gave the Prophet (s). (verses 10-12)

Important Messages
1) Do not take the enemies of Allah as friends, they are also your enemies. (verse 1)
2) There is an excellent example for believers in Prophet Ibrāhīm (a) and those who believed with him. (verse 4)
3) Allah does not forbid friendship with those who do not believe but do not have enmity against Islam and Muslims. (verse 8)

Select verses from the Sūra to know (learn, reflect, memorize)
1) Q 60:4 Our Lord! In You do we put our trust, and to You do we turn penitently, and toward You is the destination
2) Q 60:7 It may be that Allah will bring about affection between you and those with whom you are at enmity, and Allah is all-powerful, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.

Activities for self-study
1) What are the potential effects of friendship between believers and the enemies of Islam? See verses 2, 9 and 13.
2) What are the different parts of the pledge taken from the women who migrated to Madinah? See verse 12.

Sources: Āyatullāh Nāsir Makārim Shirazi (Ed.), Tafsīr-e Namūneh;

Past lessons of Sūra Familiarization available at:

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