Quranic Reflection No 672. Āyat 25:30 – Complaint of the Quran

Bismillāh. 15 March 2024/4 Ramadan 1445

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وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا  

And the Apostle will say, ‘O my Lord! Indeed, my people consigned this Quran to oblivion.’

(Sūrat al-Furqān, No. 25, Āyat 30)

The Holy Quran is – without any doubt – the greatest miracle of the greatest Messenger of Allah (s). Unlike other miracles, performed both by previous Prophets (a) and the great Messenger (sallal-lāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam), it survives to this very day, proving the veracity of Allah’s greatest servant. It is, therefore, very serious that it is about this holy book that the Messenger (s) will make a complaint to Allah ‘azza wajall on the day of judgement. Whilst the previous verses in this surah are referring to those who did not believe or apostatised after accepting the faith, this verse is well and truly about those who believed in the Quran but then neglected its recitation, and more importantly, its commands.

The relationship of man and the heavenly book must be perpetual and in all aspects. Rāghib Isfahānī in Mufradāt says the word ‘Hijr’ is used when there is a relationship between man and that thing. The relationship has been neglected. So, we must try our best to pay attention to the holy Quran and make it the base in all dimensions of life so that the Messenger (S) is satisfied with us. Sometimes we have limited the Quran to broadcasting it in beautiful voices or adorning the tiles of mosques. It has been reserved as a blessing when one moves into a new house, or for protecting a traveller and healing patients, or at most it is recited for its reward. An Islamic narration recommends us to read 50 verses of the Quran every day, reading it in such a way that it transforms the heart. Whenever you are surrounded by temptations, as night engulfed you, resort to the Quran. (Tafsīr Nūr al Thaqalayn).

Āyatullāh Khumaynī (may his spirit be sanctified) says that he regrets that he has not spend all of his life for the holy Quran and he advised the students of universities and the students of seminaries to set the Quran and its various dimensions as ultimate aim in all courses, lest in the end of life they regret for youth days. (Sahīfa-e-Nūr, 20: 20) 

Abandoning reading the Quran, preferring other books to the holy Quran, not setting it as pivot, not pondering it, not teaching it to others, and not applying it in practice are extensions of negligence of the Quran. Even one who learns the Quran, but does not pay attention to it, does not look at it, and does not feel responsible for it, has neglected the Quran.

Even though there are great schools – [both in Muslim countries as well as in other countries] – that are named ‘Schools of Memorization of the Holy Quran’. In these schools, young people are memorizing the Quran, [while their thoughts are sometimes influenced by laws and practices opposed to the Quran] and the holy book is applied only for covering their wrongs. It is neglected from the aspects of content, thought, and reforming [oneself]. (Makārem Shīrāzī, Al-Amthāl, 11: 245)

The month of Ramadan, which is the month of Allah and the greatest month in the Islamic calendar, is also the month of the holy Quran. Imam Amirul Mu’minīn (a) says in a narration: This is the silent Quran, and I am the speaking Quran. (Al-Shahroudi, Mustadrak Safīnatul-Bihār, 9:21). As we remember both the silent and speaking Quran in this holy month, let us make a commitment to make the Quran a reference point for all decisions and problems in our lives, and save ourselves from the complaint of the Messenger (s) on the day of judgement.

We pray to Allah to give us the opportunity to maximise the benefits of this holy month as well as building a relationship with his holy book and we continue to pray for all the less fortunate especially the resilient people of Palestine.

Sources: Al-Huwayzi, Tafsīr Nūr al Thaqalayn; Abul-Qāsim Al-Rāghib Al-Isfahānī, Al-Mufradāt fī Gharīb al-Quran; Shaykh Ali Al-Sharoudi, Mustadrak Safīnatul-Bihār,
Āyatullāh S. Ruhullah Khumaynī, Sahīfa-e-Nūr; Āyatullāh Naser Makārem Shīrāzī,, Al-Amthāl fi Tafsīr Kitāb Allah.

ALI 678: Ramadan Daily Reminder

In the Holy month, Mu’minīn are eager to enhance their faith and spirituality. In this daily online 15-minute presentation, we will discuss select Hadiths from Kitāb al-Mu’min by Al-Husayn Al-Kūfī Al-Ahwāzī, to comprehend our responsibilities as believers and know the rights of fellow Muslims.

Instructor: Sh. Hasanayn Kassamali

Fee: Free, participants are encouraged to donate.

Dates: 15 days from March 12th to 26th, 2024.

Timings: Dubai 2:30 pm, Dares Salaam 1:30 pm, London 11:30 am, NY/Toronto 6:30 am, Huston 4:30 am.

Registration: https://academyofislam.com/registrations 

PLEASE NOTE: Registration indicates an agreement to attend all classes on time. Participants will email the instructor if they cannot attend a class.