Sūrat Ta-Ha

Sūrah No. 20, Revealed in Makkah, 134 verses.

A hadith ascribed to Imam al-Sādiq A says: Ta-Ha is one of the names of the Prophet a. Almost 90 verses of this Sūrah discuss various aspects of the story of Prophet Mūsā (a) and his people.

Merits of reciting the Sūrah

Many hadith emphasize the importance of this Sūrah.

A hadith ascribed to the Prophet a says: Almighty Allah narrated this Sūrah to the angels thousands of years before the human being was created. The angels said, ‘Fortunate is the nation to whom this is revealed, fortunate are the hearts that allow this in, fortunate are the tongues that recite this’.

Do not leave the recitation of Sūrat TāHā for Allah loves it and loves the one who recites it, whoever recites it often Allah will give him his book in the right hand and will not take him into account for what he did as a Muslim, and he will be given a reward in the Hereafter until he is well pleased. Imam al-Sādiq (a)

Note: Such an immense reward can only be achieved by one who reflects on and follows the message of the Sūrah.

Whoever recites Sūrat TāHā will be given the reward of the Muhājirūn and Ansār. Holy Prophet a

Note: The reward is given to one whose recitation is the beginning of a thoughtful application of the Sūrah in life.

General synopsis of contents

1) A brief mention of the greatness of the Quran and the qualities of Allah Y (vv. 2-8)

2) The story of Prophet Mūsā (a) – receiving revelation, instructions for his mission, facing Fir‘awn, encounter with the magicians, the parting of the sea, and the narration of Sāmirī. (vv. 9-97)

3) The Day of Judgment. (vv. 98-112)

4) Shaytān, the enemy of mankind. (vv. 116-128)

5) Prayers and other injunctions. (vv. 129-134)

Important Messages

1) The Quran is an admonition for the one who has the fear of Allah in the heart. (v. 3)

2) The Salāt is the first and most important part of worship mentioned to Prophet Mūsā (a).

3) Be careful not to be distracted by those who do not believe and follow their desires. (v. 16)

4) Allah chooses those who will convey His message. (vv. 13 and 41)

5) Conviction that Allah X is with you removes fear from the heart. (v. 46)

6) Witnessing the truth has a tremendous impact on receptive hearts. (v. 70)

7) Allah is most forgiving to one who repents and believes and does good deeds. (v. 82)

8) On the Day of Judgment life people will think of life spent in this world will seem very brief. (vv. 103-104)

9) Blindness is not seeing the signs of Allah X and not accepting His message. (vv. 124-126)

10) The ruins of past generations are a sign for a people of understanding. (v. 128)

Suggested verses for reflection and memorization.

1) 20:25 – 28 My Lord! Open my chest for me. Make my task easy for me.  Remove the knots from my tongue, [so that] they may understand my speech.

2) 20:44 Speak to him in a soft manner; maybe he will take admonition or fear.

3) 20:72 – Decide whatever you want to decide. You can only decide about the life of this world.

4) 20:75 – whoever comes to Him with faith, and he has done righteous deeds, for such shall be the highest ranks.

5) 20:81 – Eat of the good things We have provided you, but do not overstep the bounds therein.

6) 20:130 So be patient with what they say and celebrate the praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before the sunset and glorify Him in watches of the night and at the day’s ends, that you may be pleased.

7) 20:132 And bid your family to prayer and be steadfast in maintaining it.

8) 20:135 So wait! Soon you will know who the people of the right path are, and who is [rightly] guided.

Activities for self-study

1) Study verses 9-44 of this Sūrah.

  1. a) List the first things Allah Y tells Prophet Mūsā (a) – verses 12-16.
  2. b) Why does Prophet Mūsā A ask for the help of his brother Hārūn (a)? See verses 32-34.
  3. c) Allah accepts his request and reminds him of the past favours on him. What were these favours? See verses 38-40.

2) What are the signs of Allah Y that Prophet Mūsā (a) tells Fir‘awn about? See verses 49-56.

3) Read verses 57-64. How does Fir‘awn incite the people against Prophet Mūsā (a)? What fake news does he spread about him?

3) What are the three responses of Fir‘awn when the magicians accept belief in Allah? See verses 71.

4) Read the story of Sāmirī in verses 85-97. Write out the conversations that take place. What is the difference in the way Prophet Mūsā (a) talks to his people and how he talks to his brother Hārūn? Where is his sadness and frustration most evident?

5) How does God describe the Day of Judgement in verses 105-111?

6) Verses 123-124 describe the two choices in response to guidance sent by Allah for those on earth. What are the results of the choices made?

7) What important guidelines do verses 131-132 provide?