Sūrat Muhammad

Sūrah No. 47, Revealed in Madīnah, 38 verses.

It takes its name from verse 2 which mentions the name of the Prophet a. The Sūrah is also known as al-Qitāl. Many of its verses talk about fighting and war because it was revealed during or soon after the battle of Uhud.

Merits of reciting the Sūrah

Whoever recites Sūrah Muhammad, Allah will make him drink from the rivers of Paradise. Holy Prophet a

Other Hadith also say that among other benefits, recitation of this Sūrah protects faith and keeps away doubts and skepticism.

Note: Scholars say that reflecting on the contents of the Sūrah and acting upon it would make the reciter worthy of such reward.

General synopsis of contents

1) The issue of faith and disbelief and the state of the believers and disbelievers in the world and the Hereafter.

2) War and the issue of prisoners of war.

3) A discussion on the hypocrites.

4) Taking lessons from the people of the past.

5) Generosity and miserliness.

Important Messages

1) The faithful and the faithless live quite different lives in the world and the Hereafter. (v. 12)

2) When people seek guidance sincerely, Allah X increases them in guidance and grants them taqwā. (v. 17)

3) Inner anger and spite are often manifested in speech. (vv. 29-30)

4) Obedience to the Messenger is part of obedience to Allah Y. (vv. 32-33)

5) Life of the world is a play and a diversion while true reward lies with Allah. (v. 36)

Suggested verses for reflection and memorization.

1) 47:7 – O you who have faith! If you help Allah, He will help you and make your feet steady.

2) 47:14 – Is he who stands on a manifest proof from his Lord like those to whom the evil of their conduct is made to seem decorous and who follow their desires?

3) 47:24- Do they not contemplate the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts?

Activities for self-study

1) List or illustrate the descriptions of Paradise and Hell found in verse 15.

2) What is the behaviour of those whose hearts are sealed? See verse 16.

3) How do believers whose faith is not strong react to an order from Allah Y that may be difficult? How should they react? See verses 20-21.

4) Which are some hope giving verses in this Sūrah? See verses 7, 11, 17, and 35, among others.