Sūrat al-Naba’

Sūrah No. 78. Revealed in Makkah, 40 verses.

Makkan Sūras are shorter, very poetic, and focus on the principles of Oneness of Allah and the Day of Resurrection. The language is strong and potent. Sūrat al-Naba’ begins with a question and ends with a powerful verse portraying intense regret on the Day of Judgment.

Merits of reciting the Sūrah

The Prophet a has said about this Sūra:

a) whoever recites Sūrat al-Naba’ and memorizes it, his accounting on the Day of Judgment will be like [the time it takes of] one prayer.

b) whoever recites Sūrat al-Naba’ Allah X will make him drink a cool drink on the Day of Judgement.

Note: Scholars emphasize that the rewards for recitation mentioned in hadith are conditional on implementing the messages of the Sūrah in life. May Allah bless us to recite the Sūrah with understanding, reflection, and implementation!

General synopsis of contents

1) Question about the Day of Judgment (vv. 1-5)

2) Examples from nature to prove the truth of Resurrection (vv. 6-16)

3) Signs of the Day of Judgment (vv. 17-20)

4) The fate of those who rejected belief (vv. 21-30)

5) The reward for the righteous (vv. 31-36)

6) About the Day of Judgment (vv. 37-40)

Selected Lessons

1) The signs of God in nature are also a reminder of the purpose behind creation and the accountability of all human beings.

2) The earth and all that is on it will be transformed on the Day of Judgment.

3) Consequence of deeds await people; it is what they have sent forward for themselves.

4) Complete authority belongs only to Allah. This will be clear on the Day of Judgment.

Suggested verses for reflection and memorization.

1) 78:17 – Indeed, the Day of Judgement is a (day) appointed.

2) 78:27 – Indeed, they did not expect any accounting.

3) 78:35-36 – Therein they shall hear neither vain talk nor lies, a reward and a sufficing bounty from your Lord

Activities for self-study

1) List the blessings of Allah mentioned in verses 6-16. How do these affect your life? What connections can you make between these blessings and the Resurrection?

2) Check sermon No. 83 of Nahjul Balāgha. Which verses of this Sūrah can you connect to the passage on death and resurrection in the sermon?