Sūrat al-Masad, No. 111. Revealed in Makkah in the early days of the Prophet’s mission, 5 verses.
This Sūrah is also known as the al-Lahab, meaning the Flame.
Sūrat al-Masad, No. 111. Revealed in Makkah in the early days of the Prophet’s mission, 5 verses.
This Sūrah is also known as the al-Lahab, meaning the Flame.
The Prophet a has said: Whoever recites Sūrat al-Masad I have hope that Allah will not join him and Abū Lahab in one abode.
Note: This is for the one who recites this Sūrah and disassociates from the path of Abū Lahab.
The Sūrah was revealed in response to the actions of the uncle of the Prophet ‘Abd al-‘Uzzah bin Abd al-Muttalib, who was also known as Abū Lahab due to his red complexion. The Sūrah condemns his actions and that of his wife, both of whom were bitter enemies of Islam, and warns them of the punishment to come.
1) Wealth and property will not save a person from the punishment of the Hereafter.
2) Family connections are not a means of salvation. Each person bears the responsibility of their own deeds.
The entire Sūrah.
Abū Lahab was an uncle of the Prophet a. Did he have to keep family ties with him? Read this for an insightful answer – https://en.shafaqna.com/26937/did-the-prophet-maintain-his-ties-of-kinship-with-abu-lahab/