Sūrah No. 5, Revealed in Madīnah, 120 verses.
According to some narrations the entire Sūrah was reveled at one time, after the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet a. All reports agree that it was the last detailed chapter which was revealed to the Messenger of Allah a near the end of his life.
The Sūrah takes its name from the miraculous table spread with food mentioned in verses 112-115.
According to ‘Allāmah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabātabā’ī that the general theme of this Sūrah is to call the people to fulfill the covenants and to uphold the valid agreements whatever they might be. It shows that Allah has made it His practice to deal with mercy and lighten the burden of those who guard themselves against evil and believe, and then again guard themselves against evil and do good work. On the contrary, He deals harshly with those who commit outrage, exceed the limit and
overstep the bounds (Al-Mīzān, 9:215).