Sūrat al-Ankabūt

Sūrah No. 29. Revealed in Makkah, 69 verses.

Merits of reciting the Sūrah

Whoever recites Sūrahs Ankabūt and Rum on the twenty third night of the month of Ramadan he is, by Allah, from the people of Paradise! Imam Ja‘far al-Sādiq (a)

Note: Quranic Scholars say that the reward is connected to the contents of the Sūrah and requires that recitation be done with awareness, comprehension, reflection and having an intention of implementation.

General synopsis of contents

1) All human beings will be tested. State of believers and hypocrites (vv. 2-11)

2) Stories from past Prophets to reassure the believers and warn the disbelievers (vv. 14-40)

3) Weakness of false gods and signs of greatness of Allah (vv. 41-44)

4) Belief in the Quran (vv. 47-51)

5) Signs of Allah (vv. 60-67)

Selected Lessons

1) Being tested in this world is ordained for all human beings to distinguish those who truly believe from those who are hypocrites.

2) The reward for the righteous will be based on the best of their actions (see v. 7)

3) Every Prophet reasoned with his people to bring them to the worship of One God.

4) Allah’s punishment is of different forms.

5) Signs of Allah abound everywhere. Those who leave Him and hold on to false gods take on a protection as weak as the web of a spider.

Suggested verses for reflection and memorization.

1) 29:2 – Do the people suppose that they will be let off because they say, ‘We have faith,’ and they will not be tested?

2) 29:6 – Whoever strives, strives only for his own sake. Indeed, Allah has no need of the creatures.

3) 29:41 – The parable of those who take guardians instead of Allah is that of the spider that takes a home, and indeed the weakest of homes is the home of a spider, if they knew!

Activities for self-study

1) Study the passage on Prophet Ibrahim and his people (vv. 16-25). How does he reason with his people? Write down the different points he gives them.

2) Reflect on v. 45. What does it say about the importance and benefits of salāt?

3) How is the life of this world described in this Sūrah? How does it compare to the Hereafter?