Quranic Reflection No 699. Āyat 5:25 – Establishing Justice in Society


Human societies have always wanted peace. They need peace to progress both individually and collectively. But peace cannot be achieved without justice. Justice means that every individual in society is given what is their right and all are treated fairly. Establishing such justice in society is only possible under the leadership of a just ruler.

One of the Divine goals of sending Prophets was to establish justice. The above verse mentions that clearly and is proof of the importance of justice in society. God sent chosen people to fulfill that goal. According to Tafsīr al-Mīzān on this verse, the manifest proofs refer to the miracles, prophecies and definitive arguments that were signs of the Prophets being sent by God. The Book is the revelation that was sent, and the Balance could possibly be religion, as a measure of people’s beliefs and deeds. This was sent so justice could be established among mankind.

Establishment of justice in society requires two things; a just code and people who can implement that code fairly and without discrimination. No-one can do that better than the infallible. History is witness that when a Prophet was given the opportunity to lead a society, justice was established. This is most evident in the life of Prophet Muhammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa-ālihi wasallam in Madinah, where he established a model society based on justice. The Prophet (s) had always been very passionate about justice and was known for that even before he formally announced his Prophethood. But it was in Madinah that he was given the opportunity to rule society and lead it towards true justice. 

The following actions of the Prophet (s) in Madinah are some examples of how he established justice in society:

1) Building the first mosque in Madinah – This mosque served as a place of worship as well as a meeting place for the people. It was a community centre where people could voice their concerns and opinions. Planning and consultations took place in the mosque.

2) Establishing brotherhood between the ansār (helpers in Madina) and muhājirūn (immigrants from Makkah) – This strengthened bond in society and led to the sharing of wealth and property.

3) Constitution of Madinah – This was a code of principles that was set to establish justice regardless of race or religion. The covenant made all citizens responsible for safeguarding the city and for maintaining peaceful co-existence. The principles of this constitution helped manage conflicts in society and promoted peace and harmony within the various groups.

4) Covenants with the Christians of Arabia – The Prophet (s) established agreements with the Christians under Islamic rule. It allowed for religious freedom and advocated justice for them.

These and other strategies that the Prophet used in his personal and social life established justice in the Madinan society. He was an exemplary leader who showed the world a glimpse of how society can be when led by a representative of God. It will be replicated when his last successor, Imam Al-Mahdi (aft) establishes God’s rule on earth, InshāAllah.

Sources: Allāmah Muhammad Husayn Tabātabā’ī, Tafsīr al-Mīzān
