Beginning September 2021, the Academy for Learning Islam will charge a nominal fee of $25.00 for an online course and $15 for a webinar. This gives value to the presentations and will InshāAllah result in good participation. Our experience has shown that many people register for free courses but unfortunately do not show up.
A nominal fee of $10.00/session will be charged for adult onsite/in-class courses to cover rental and other incidental expenses.
A nominal fee of $5.00/session will be charged for children onsite/in-class courses to cover rental and other incidental expenses.
All fees are payable on or before the first day of the course. We urge registrants to cooperate in this regard.
Anyone who cannot afford to pay all, or part of the fees can still register and participate fully. Simply email asking for the exemption and you will InshāAllah receive a confirmation within 48 hours.
Fees charged for our courses, webinars and seminars are a fraction of the actual cost. Participants may donate towards our educational, religious, social, and spiritual programs at Canadian Residents will receive an automatic tax receipt for their donations.