List of all courses offered by A.L.I organized by Course Number.
- ALI 701: Hajj 1446 – Rules relating to ladies
- ALI 700: Hajj 1446 Preparations
- ALI 699: Homeschooling in the month of Ramadan (Webinar for ladies only)
- ALI 698: ‘Umrah & Madinah Ziyārah in Ramadan 1446 | Online Webinar
- ALI 697: Merits of Sahar and Suhūr in Ramadan | Online Webinar
- ALI 696: Homeschooling Webinar – Starting the Homeschooling Journey (for women only)
- ALI 695: Quranic Arabic Level 6 (Online)
- ALI 694: Quranic Arabic Level 5 (Online)
- ALI 693: Guidance and Misguidance in the Quran
- ALI 692: Islamic Laws Related to the Workplace
- ALI 691: ‘Umrah Summer 2024 webinar
- ALI 690: Quranic Arabic Level 3 (Online)
- ALI 689: Quranic Arabic Level 4 (Online)
- ALI 688: Arbaeen 1446 Ziyārat
- ALI 687: Role of Salawat in Sahifa Sajjadiyyah
- ALI 686: Sahifa Sajjadiyyah – A Spiritual Manual
- ALI 685: Diseases of the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat Part III (Women Only)
- ALI 684: Diseases of the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat Part III (Women Only)
- ALI 683: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI 682: Quranic Arabic Level 2 Online
- ALI 681: Preparation for Ramadan 1445 AH
- ALI 680: Understanding the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat, Part II (for women only)
- ALI 679: Understanding the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat, Part II (for women only)
- ALI 678: Ramadan Daily Reminder
- ALI 677: Comparing islamic and Secular worldviews, Part II (for women only)
- ALI 676: Quranic Arabic Level 8
- ALI 675: Quranic Arabic Levels 1 & 2 (Online)
- ALI 673: Creating an Islamic Worldview, Module 1
- ALI 672: Umrah webinar
- ALI 671: Ziyarat webinar
- ALI 674: Quranic Arabic Level 2 at JCC
- ALI 670: Understanding the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat (for women only)
- ALI 669: Understanding the Soul: Lessons from Jami al-Sa’adat (for women only)
- ALI 668: Comparing Islamic and Secular worldviews (for women only)
- ALI 667: Comparing Islamic and Secular worldviews (for women only)
- ALI 666: Quranic Arabic Level 1
- ALI 665: Quranic Arabic Level 1
- ALI 663: Brief Review of Du’a al-Nudbah
- ALI 662: Quran Appreciation (for Girls and Boys)
- ALI 661: Quran Appreciation (for Girls and Boys)
- ALI 660: Quran Appreciation (for Boys)
- ALI 659: Quran Appreciation (for Girls)
- ALI 658: Quranic Arabic Level 7
- ALI 657: Living Islam through Combating the Self
- ALI 655: Esoteric Foundations of the Shia Faith (Ladies Only)
- ALI 656: An Exploration of Tafsir: Selected Surahs from Juz 29 (for ladies only)
- ALI 654: Quran Appreciation, for Girls and Boys Ages 10-12
- ALI 653: Quran Appreciation, for Girls and Boys Ages 7-9
- ALI 652: Quran Appreciation, for Boys Ages 13-16
- ALI 650: Paradise and Reward in the Quran
- ALI 651: Quran Appreciation, for Girls Ages 13-16
- ALI 649: Quranic Arabic Level 6
- ALI 646: Man and Ma‘ād.
- ALI 648: Qurb of Allah SWT
- ALI 647: Quranic Arabic Level 5
- ALI 645: Essential rules on ‘Umrah Mufridah
- ALI 644: Quran Appreciation for boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI 643: Quran Appreciation for girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI 642: Quran Appreciation for children ages 10-12 years
- ALI 641: Quran Appreciation for children ages 7-9 years
- ALI 640: Online Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 13-16
- ALI 639: Online Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 10-12
- ALI 638: Quranic Arabic Level 4
- ALI-637: Building Quranic Cues
- ALI 636: Quran Appreciation, for Boys Ages 13-16
- ALI 635: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI 634: Necessary Attributes of the Spiritual Journey (for women only)
- ALI 633: Islamic Art with Watercolors
- ALI 633: Quran Appreciation, for Girls Ages 13-16
- ALI-632: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-631: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-630: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-629: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-628: Spiritual Habits to build in children (for women only)
- ALI-627: Role of the Imams, Part 2 (For women only)
- ALI 626: Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 10-12
- ALI-625: Ziyarat in Rajab and Sha’ban
- ALI-624: God’s Servitude, Man’s True Success, Part 1
- ALI 623: Quran Appreciation, for Girls & Boys Ages 7-9
- ALI-622: Learning from Spiritual Wayfarers of the past (For women only)
- ALI-621: Empowering Muslim Voices: How to write and publish sharp news stories
- ALI 620: Quranic Arabic Level 2
- ALI-619: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-618: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-617: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-616: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-615: Quran Appreciation, ages 10 -12 (Online Course for Europe)
- ALI-614: Role of the Imams, Part 1 (For women only)
- ALI-613: Managing Blood Sugars for Disease Prevention
- ALI-612: Practical Approach to Spirituality
- ALI-611: Assisted Reading and Brief Explanation of the Quran
- ALI 611A: Tafakkur in the Quran
- ALI-610: Arba‘een Ziyarat
- ALI-609: Intro to Floral Illustration
- ALI-608: Traveling the Spiritual Journey (for women only)
- ALI-607: Quranic Arabic Level 1
- ALI-606: A Discussion on Perfection (for women only)
- ALI-605: Spirituality of the Shari’ah
- ALI-604: Qualities of Allah
- ALI-603: Losing Identity
- ALI-602: The Verse of Light
- ALI-601: Affirmations from Quranic Concepts
- ALI-600: Strengthening the body, mind, and soul during the month of Ramadan (for women only)
- ALI-599: Establishing an Intimate relation with God
- ALI-598: Maintaining energy and focus in the month of Ramadan
- ALI-597: Spiritual Guidance from the life of Imam al-Hasan (a)
- ALI-596: Fitrah and the Argument for the Existence of Allah (S)
- ALI-595: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (boys)
- ALI-594: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (girls)
- ALI-593: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America – Wednesdays)
- ALI-592: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America – Fridays)
- ALI-591: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for Europe and Africa)
- ALI-590: Quran Appreciation ages 7-9 years
- ALI-589: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America)
- ALI-588: ‘Ālam al-Dharr (The World of Pre-existence)
- ALI-587: The Role of Imam al-Sādiq (a), Revisited
- ALI-586: Spiritual Guidance from the life of Imam Ali (a) – for women only
- ALI-585: The Concept of Spirituality in the Qur’an
- ALI-584: Quran Tafsīr by Shi’a Muslims in English
- ALI-583: Spiritual Guidance from the life of Bibi Fatima (a) – for women only
- ALI-582: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (boys)
- ALI-581: Quran Appreciation ages 13-16 (girls)
- ALI-580: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for North America)
- ALI-579: Quran Appreciation ages 10-12 years (for Europe and Africa)
- ALI-578: Quran Appreciation ages 7-9 years
- ALI-577: Mindfulness & Spirituality – A Critical Islamic Perspective
- ALI-576: Historical Reliability of the Qur’an
- ALI-575: Understanding Food Labels
- ALI-574: Active Preparation for the Imam of our Time as a Family (for women only)
- ALI-573: The Peace Treaty of Imam al-Hasan (a)
- ALI-572: Knowledge of the Unseen in the Qur’an and Shia Traditions
- ALI-571: History of Translation of the Quran into English
- ALI-570: Spiritual Guidance from the Prophet (s) – for women only
- ALI-569: Quran Appreciation, Boys ages 13-16
- ALI-568: Quran Appreciation, Girls ages 13-16
- ALI-567: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 (for North America)
- ALI-566: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 (for Europe and Africa)
- ALI-565: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9
- ALI-564: How to Study the Holy Quran, Part 2
- ALI-563: Quran Appreciation Ages 13-16 Boys (online)
- ALI-562: The Role of women in Karbala (for women only)
- ALI-561: Quran Appreciation Ages 13-16 Girls (online)
- ALI-560: Quran Appreciation Ages 10-12 (online)
- ALI-559: Quran Appreciation Ages 7-9 (online)
- ALI-558: Quran Appreciation, ages 13-16 years (girls only – online)
- ALI-557: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (online)
- ALI-556: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (online)
- ALI-555: Teachings of the Prophet (s) on Family Relationships (for women only)
- ALI-554: Developing Social and Emotional Intelligence in Children
- ALI-553: Personal Development in light of Islamic Teachings (For ladies only)
- ALI-552: The Husayni Paradigm of Justice
- ALI-551: How to study the Holy Quran
- ALI-546: Creative Quran Teaching
- ALI-545: The Socio-Political Role of the Ahlul Bayt – Part 2
- ALI-544: Creative Interactions with the Quran
- ALI-543: Quran Appreciation for Boys (13-16 years)
- ALI-542: Preparation for Holy Ramadan 1441.
- ALI-541: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-540: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-539: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-538: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-537: Etiquette of Ziyarat
- ALI-536: Motivating the Self
- ALI-535: Islamic Ethical Philosophy (applied to feminism)
- ALI-534: Concept of Love in Islam
- ALI-533: Debunking Nutrition Myths
- ALI-532: Nahjul Balagha for Children
- ALI-531: Themes from Surat al-Kahf
- ALI-530: The Ahlul Bayt and Family Relationships (for women only)
- ALI-529: Drawing from Nature (Allah’s creations)
- ALI-528: Intelligence and Managing Emotions (Women Only)
- ALI-527: The Socio-Political Role of the Ahlul Bayt – Part 1
- ALI-526: Nutritional Strategies to Ease Anxiety
- ALI-525: Cultivating a Virtuous Character
- ALI-524: Arbaeen – a civilizational perspective towards a God-Centered global society
- ALI-523: Mindfulness with Mandalas (Women Only)
- ALI-522: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-521: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-520: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-519: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-518: Countering Islamophobia
- ALI-517: Islam on Racism
- ALI-516: Hajj Rules for Ladies
- ALI-515: Preparations for Hajj
- ALI-514: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-513: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-512: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-511: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-510: Building a Spiritually Strong Family Unit (Women Only)
- ALI-510: Understanding God’s Mercy: Support for Human Success (for women)
- ALI-509: Ramadan: The Physical, Ethical & Spiritual Fast
- ALI-508: Marital Relationship in a Materialistic Society
- ALI-507: Farsi for Beginners – Part VII
- ALI-506: The Ahlul Bayt and Family Relationships (Women Only)
- ALI-505: Justice in Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-504: The Family and Social Change
- ALI-503: Prep for Arbaeen Ziyārat 1441
- ALI-502: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-501: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-500: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-499: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-498: Raising Children in the West
- ALI-497: Ziyarat 1440 AH Webinar
- ALI-496: Understanding God’s Mercy: Life in the world (for women)
- ALI-495: Living Islam in the West
- ALI-494B: Understanding Hijab (for women)
- ALI-494A: Understanding Hijab (for women)
- ALI-493: Review of Surat al-Naml (No. 27)
- ALI-492: Maintaining Healthy Mineral Levels
- ALI-491: Farsi for Beginners – Part VI
- ALI-490: Quranic Arabic – Part VI
- ALI-489: Signs of a Pious Believer in Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-488: Farsi for Beginners – Part V
- ALI-487: Quranic Arabic – Part V
- ALI-486: Reviewing Du‘a 7 from Sahifa Sajjadiyya
- ALI-485: The Family: A Formation Ground for Personalities (for women only)
- ALI-483: Farsi for Beginners – Part IV
- ALI-482: Quranic Arabic – Part IV
- ALI-481: Preparing for Holy Ramadan 1440 (for Teenager Boys)
- ALI-480: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years
- ALI-479: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years
- ALI-478: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years
- ALI-477: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years
- ALI-476: Understanding God’s Mercy: Human Creation (for women)
- ALI-475: An Overview of Shi’i Hadith Literature
- ALI-474: Theology – Proving the Existence of God
- ALI-473: Reviewing Quranic Suras
- ALI-472: Hormone Balance
- ALI-471: Mandala Art
- ALI-470: Umrah and Ziyarat Prep Dec 2018
- ALI-469: Farsi for Beginners – Part III
- ALI-468: Quranic Arabic – Part III
- ALI-467: The Family: A Divinely inspired institution (For women only)
- ALI-466: Reviewing Du‘a 6 from Sahifa Sajjadiyya
- ALI-465: Farsi for Beginners – Part II
- ALI-464: Quranic Arabic – Part II
- ALI-463B: Hajj Rules for Ladies
- ALI-463A: Preparations for Hajj
- ALI-462: Farsi for Beginners – Part I
- ALI-461: Quranic Arabic – Part I
- ALI-460: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-459: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-458: Arba‘een Ziyaarat
- ALI-457: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-456 : Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-455: Topical Tafsir of the Quran: Social Relationships (women only)
- ALI-454: Understanding the Quran – Part VII
- ALI-453: Asceticism in Nahjul Balagha (women only)
- ALI-452: Ibādat of the mutaqqīn in Nahjul Balāgha
- ALI-451: Preparation for Muharram 1440 AH
- ALI-450: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-449: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-448: Islamic Civilization & Western Civilization
- ALI-447: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-446 : Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-445: Understanding and coping with depression
- ALI-443 : Striving For a Healthy Microbiome for Optimal Health
- ALI-442 : Islamic Theory of E-ethics
- ALI-441 : Morality and Religion
- ALI-440: Topical Tafsir of the Quran: Family Relationships (women only)
- ALI-439: Understanding the Quran – Part VI
- ALI-438: Introduction to Islamic Calligraphy
- ALI-437: Understanding the Quran – Part V
- ALI-436: Developing Critical Thinking Skills in children
- ALI-435: Spiritual Counsel in Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-434: ‘Ibādat in Nahjul Balagha – Du’ā & reliance on God is also worship
- ALI-433: Brief explanation of Du‘ā No. 5 from Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-432: Understanding the Quran – Part IV
- ALI-431: Introduction to Logic
- ALI-430: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-429: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-428: Knowing Allah (swt) through Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-427: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-426: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-425: Science and Religion
- ALI-424: Managing Blood Pressure
- ALI-423: Divine Justice
- ALI-422: Arba‘īn Ziyārat
- ALI-421: Nahjul Balāgha for children
- ALI-420: Topical Tafsīr of the Quran: Relationship with Allah ‘azza wa-jall (For women only)
- ALI-419: ‘Ibādat in Nahjul Balāgha – Concept of God
- ALI-418: Understanding the Quran – Part III
- ALI-417: Islamic Art
- ALI-416: Theology and Worship in Nahjul Balāgha (For women only)
- ALI-415: Understanding the Quran – Part II
- ALI-414: Understanding the Quran – Part I
- ALI-413: Brief explanation of Du‘ā No. 4 from Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-412: History of Prophet’s Masjid and Jannah al-Baqī` in Madinah Munawwarah
- ALI-411B: Hajj Rules for Ladies
- ALI-411A: Preparations for Hajj
- ALI-410: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-409: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-408: Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-407: Quran Appreciation, ages 8-12 years (Brampton)
- ALI-406: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-405: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-404: Health and Spirituality of Fasting in Ramadan
- ALI-403: Nutrition and Cancer prevention
- ALI-402: Preparation for the month of Ramadan
- ALI-401: Diabetes: The Silent Killer
- ALI-400: Tips for making Du‘ā more effective
- ALI-399: Islamic Art – Modern abstract painting with Arabic calligraphy
- ALI-398: The Prophet’s Hadith to Abu Dharr – Part III (for women only)
- ALI-397: Brief Explanation of Du‘ā no.3 from Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-396: Quranic Arabic, Level 8
- ALI-395: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill, ON)
- ALI-394: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill, ON)
- ALI-393: Understanding the Quran – Part 2
- ALI-392: Quran Appreciation, ages 8-12 years (Brampton)
- ALI-391: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-390: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-389: Comparing and Contrasting the Makkan and Madinan Verses of the Quran
- ALI-388: Food for the Brain
- ALI-387: The Theological Doctrine of Imamah
- ALI-386: Barzakh – Tunnel to the world of wonders
- ALI-385: Nurturing Your Child’s Spirit in Islam
- ALI-384: Media and the Tarbiya of Our Children
- ALI-383: The Prophet’s Hadith to Abu Dharr – Part II (for women only)
- ALI-382: Quranic Arabic, Level 7
- ALI-381: Brief Explanation of Du‘ā no.2 from Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-380B: Quran Appreciation, boys ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-380: Quran Appreciation, girls ages 13-16 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-379: Quran Appreciation, ages 8-12 years (London)
- ALI-378: Quran Appreciation, ages 8-12 years (Brampton)
- ALI-377: Quran Appreciation, ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-376: Quran Appreciation, ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-375: Lifestyle Changes for Diabetics
- ALI-374: Arba’in Ziyarat
- ALI-373: Miracle of the Quran
- ALI-372: Understanding the Quran – Part 1
- ALI-371: Islamic Art – Textured painting with Arabic calligraphy
- ALI-370: Quranic Arabic, Level 6
- ALI-369: The Spiritual Journey – A Practical Approach
- ALI-368: Brief Explanation of Du‘a No. 1 from Sahifa Sajjadiyya
- ALI-367: The Prophet’s Hadith to Abu Dharr – Part 1
- ALI-366: Quranic Arabic, Level 5
- ALI-365B: Preparations for Hajj 1437
- ALI-365A: Hajj Rules Pertaining to Ladies
- ALI-364: Reflections on Suras Taghābun and Mulk
- ALI-363: Quranic Arabic Level 4
- ALI-362: Healthy fasting
- ALI-361: Quran Appreciation for children ages 8-12 years (London, ON)
- ALI-360: Quran Appreciation for children ages 9-12 years (Brampton)
- ALI-359: Quran Appreciation for children ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-358: Quran Appreciation for children ages 7-9 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-357: Basic Fasting Rules
- ALI-356: The Sectarian Divide Amongst Muslims
- ALI-355: Feed your Family Healthy
- ALI-354: Quranic Insights: Sura Shu’ara verses 30-51
- ALI-353: The Quran & Coping Strategies of Human Suffering
- ALI-352: Spiritual Self-Discipline (women)
- ALI-351: Stories from the Quran
- ALI-349: Education and Training in Islam
- ALI-348: Glimpses into the Sermon of Lady Fatima (a)
- ALI-347: Quranic Insights: Sura al-Shu‘araa
- ALI-341: Huruf al-Muqatta’aat – Traditional and modern explanations
- ALI-340: Elements of Effective Communication in the Holy Quran (for women)
- ALI-338: Fighting Inflammation with Nutrition
- ALI-337: Intro to Five Quranic Suras al-Baqarah to al- An‘aam
- ALI-336: Depression & Anxiety – Medical & Spiritual Approach
- ALI-335: Theological Aspects of Nahjul Balagha & Its Implications in Social Justice
- ALI-334: Understanding and Managing Stress
- ALI-333: Understanding Servitude (for women)
- ALI-332: Islam 101 for Reverts
- ALI-331: Religious Pluralism according to the Quran
- ALI-330: Introduction to Persian (Farsi) – Level 2
- ALI-329: Islamic Art, Level 1
- ALI-328: Anger Management
- ALI-327: The Message of Karbala in the 21st Century
- ALI-326: An Introduction to Ziyrat Jaami’ah Kabirah
- ALI-325: Introduction to Persian (Farsi) – Level 1
- ALI-324: Quranic Arabic Level 2
- ALI-323: Spiritual Significance of Eid al-Adhaa
- ALI-322: Understanding Love of God (for women)
- ALI-321: Quran Appreciation for children ages 8-12 years (London, ON)
- ALI-320: Quran Appreciation for children ages 9-12 years (Brampton)
- ALI-319: Quran Appreciation for children ages 10-12 years (Thornhill)
- ALI-318: Quran Appreciation for children ages 7-9 years
- ALI-317: What should be our focus when raising children?
- ALI-316: Simple Tafsir of the Four Quls
- ALI-315: Islamic Education: Moral standards of teacher
- ALI-314: Inner Realities of Laylatul Qadr
- ALI-313: Walking on the Spiritual Path (for ladies)
- ALI-312: Rules of Fasting in the month of Ramadan
- ALI-311: Reflections on the ‘infallibility’ of Prophet Muhammad (s)
- ALI-309: The Whispered Prayers of Sahifa Sajjadiyyah (For ladies only)
- ALI-308: Developing Baseerah
- ALI-303: Exploring Islamic Calligraphy and Texture
- ALI-302: Tasbih in the Sahifa Sajjadiyya
- ALI-300: Knowing God through the Whispered Prayers (for ladies only)
- ALI-299: Sayyidah Fatima al-Zahra (a) in the Quran
- ALI-298: Welcome to the family: Getting along with in-laws
- ALI-297: The Nature and Reason for the Occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (af)
- ALI-296: Nature in Sahifa Sajjadiyya (For ladies only)
- ALI-295: The Nature of Knowledge in Shia Narrations
- ALI-291: Achieving wellness through a ‘whole food based diet’
- ALI-289: Parent-Children relationship in Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-288: Balancing Hope with Fear (for ladies only)
- ALI-287: Intro to Quranic Arabic, Level 1
- ALI-285: Winter health safety tips for young children
- ALI-284: Arba’in Ziyarat Webinar
- ALI-283: Dietary Fats: Knowing which types to choose
- ALI-282: Du’ā Makārim al-Akhlāq
- ALI-280: Insights into the Performance of Hajj
- ALI-275: The Stimulus of Hope (for ladies only)
- ALI-274: Islam and the Theory of Evolution
- ALI-273: Introduction to Sahīfa Sajjādiyya
- ALI-272A: Hajj 1435 Preparations and Ziyārat to Madina
- ALI-272B: Hajj 1435 – Rules Pertaining to Ladies
- ALI-271: Importance of Saying Salat Correctly
- ALI-270: Methodology and Practice of Qur’anic Tadabbur
- ALI-269B: Keeping Healthy in the month of Holy Ramadhān
- ALI-269A: Communicating with children about puberty?
- ALI-268: The Healing Art of Aromatherapy
- ALI-267: Islamic Nutritional Wisdom – II
- ALI-266: Spiritual Growth (for ladies)
- ALI-265: Enhancing the Daily Prayers
- ALI-264: Quran Appreciation, Suras Naml and Anbiya
- ALI-263: Islamic Art for beginners (for ladies ages 16+)
- ALI-262: The Principles of Positive Parenting
- ALI-261: Deconstructing the myths surrounding sugar
- ALI-260: Parent Engagement and Resources
- ALI-259: Too Much of a Good Thing
- ALI-258: Exhortations from Nahjul Balagha (Ladies)
- ALI-257: Quran Appreciation, Suras Naml and Anbiya
- ALI-256: Spiritual and Jurisprudential Aspects of Salāt
- ALI-255: Spiritual Lessons from the Life of the Holy Prophet (s)
- ALI-254: Qur’anic Arabic Sessions
- ALI-253: Arba‘een Ziyarat Webinar (REPEAT)
- ALI-251: Qur’anic Arabic Sessions
- ALI-250: Preparation for Muharram
- ALI-249: Quranic Sciences (Part 1)
- ALI-249: Quranic Sciences (Part 2)
- ALI-248: Developing Hajj Spirit in Dhul Hijjah
- ALI-247: Increasing your wealth
- ALI-246: Preparation for Hajj 1434 and Ziyarat to Madina
- ALI-245: Preparation for Hajj 1434 – Ladies Masa’el
- ALI-244: Raising Children the Islamic way
- ALI-243: Approaches to Spirituality (for women)
- ALI-242: Quran Appreciation, Sura Anbiya
- ALI-241: Akhlāq of the Ahlul Bayt (a)
- ALI-240: Qur’anic Arabic Level 6
- ALI-239: Inner Realities of Laylatul Qadr
- ALI-238: Rules of Fasting in the Month of Ramadhan
- ALI-237: Our Role During the Ghaybah of our Imam (af)
- ALI-236: Du’a Makarim al-Akhlaq
- ALI-235: Nabi Musa in the Quran
- ALI-234: Quran Appreciation, Sura Saba
- ALI-233: Sayyida Fatimah (a)
- ALI-230: Creating an Intentional Family
- ALI-229: Online Course on Nahjul Balagha for Ladies
- ALI-228: Quran Appreciation, Sura Nahl
- ALI-227: Life History of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a)
- ALI-226: Selected Duas from Sahifa Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-225: Goal of Life
- ALI-224: Qur’anic Arabic Level 4
- ALI-223: Ziyarat of Arbaeen – Spiritual and Jurisprudential Aspects
- ALI-220: Effective Parenting
- ALI-219: Qur’an Appreciation, Sura Ibrahim
- ALI-218: Motherhood in Islam
- ALI-217: Selected Duas from Sahifa Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-216: Glimpses into Nahjul Balagha (women)
- ALI-215: Qur’anic Arabic – Understanding the Divine Message
- ALI-214: Qur’anic Teachings on Noble Character
- ALI-213: Qur’anic Arabic for Beginners
- ALI-212: Parent-Children Relationships in Sahifa Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-211: Using Effective Communication with Children
- ALI-210: Understanding the Divine Message
- ALI-209: Deriving Lessons from Qur’anic Stories
- ALI-208: Quranic Perspective on Bibi Maryam (a)
- ALI-207: Quranic Arabic – Level I
- ALI-206: Duas from Saheefa Sajjadiyyah, Part 2
- ALI-205: Imam Ali (a)’s Letter to Malike Ashtar
- ALI-204: Parenting to Build Moral Intelligence in Children
- ALI-203A: Hajj 1432 Preparation and Rituals
- ALI-203B: Haj Webinar (Women’s)
- ALI-202: Historical Stories in the Quran
- ALI-201: Introduction to Saheefa Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-197: Philosophy of Fasting
- ALI-196: Developing a Closer Relationship with the Qur’an
- ALI-195: Necessity of Qur’an Tilawah in Holy Ramadan
- ALI-194: Preparation for Holy Ramadan
- ALI-192: Understanding and Appreciating the Quran – Level II
- ALI-191: Sirah of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a)
- ALI-189: Learning Farsi, Level II
- ALI-188: Understanding and Appreciating the Quran – Level II
- ALI-187: Parenting Challenges facing Muslims today
- ALI-187: Quranic Arabic Level II (for ladies)
- ALI-186: Understanding and Appreciating the Quran – Level I
- ALI-185: Sirah of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (a)
- ALI-184: Sirah of Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (a)
- ALI-183: Reading and Understanding the Holy Quran
- ALI-182: Exploring the life of the The Holy Prophet (s)
- ALI-182: Understanding and Appreciating the Quran – Level II
- ALI-181: Webinar on Ziyarat to Iraq & Sham
- ALI-179: Taking Advice from Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-178: Raising Children with TLC
- ALI-177: Hajj 1431 Preparations and Rituals
- ALI-172: Preparing for Ziyaarat to Iraq
- ALI-166: Reading and Understanding the Holy Qur’an
- ALI-165: Seminar on Ziyarat
- ALI-164: Qur’anic Arabic Level VI (for ladies)
- ALI-158: Overcoming Indecisiveness (for ladies only)
- ALI-157: Dealing with Doubt and Skepticism
- ALI-156: Essential advice on Marriage
- ALI-155: Essential advice on Marriage
- ALI-154: Tafseer of Sura al-Hijr (#15) – for ladies
- ALI-153: Qur’anic Arabic Level IV (for ladies)
- ALI-152: Tafseer and Tadabbur of Surat Mulk (#67)
- ALI-151: Qualities of a True Believer, Part 1
- ALI-150: Understanding the Holy Qur’an, Part 2
- ALI-148: Uniqueness of the Holy Prophet (s)
- ALI-142: Introduction to Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-139: Qur’ânic Arabic Level V
- ALI-139: Arabic Grammar – Level 1
- ALI-138: Tafseer of Sura Saba
- ALI-137: Du’as from Saheefa as-Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-136: Wives of the Holy Prophet (s)
- ALI-135: Dimensions of the Holy Prophet’s (s) Mission in the Last Three Years
- ALI-134: Seeing Allah (swt) in the world around us
- ALI-132: Characteristics of the human being in Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-131: Hajj Seminar
- ALI-127: Human Being vs. the Devil: Lessons from the Story of Ayyub, the Prophet (a)
- ALI-125: Understanding the Occultation of the Imam (a)
- ALI-122: Ibadah in Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-121: Why is there a special form of Azaa for the martyrs of Karbala?
- ALI-120: Significance of the Events of Karbala
- ALI-116: The Last Luminary
- ALI-111: Understanding the Azaa for Imam al-Husayn (a)
- ALI-110: Islamic Civilization
- ALI-105: Tafsīr of Du‘ā’ Abu Hamza Thumālī
- ALI-102: Microsoft Word and Excel
- ALI-099: Arabic Conversation
- ALI-098: Quranic Arabic Level 4
- ALI-097: GOD in Islam
- ALI-096: Tafsīr of Sūratul Jumu‘ah
- ALI-095: Computer classes for seniors
- ALI-094: Learning Urdu
- ALI-093: Sanctity of Family Life
- ALI-092: Quranic Arabic & Tilāwah
- ALI-091: Preparation for Muharram (Arabic)
- ALI-090: Responding to Daily Challenges
- ALI-089: Hajj 1425 AH Seminar
- ALI-088: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI-087: Quranic Arabic Level 2
- ALI-086: In preparation of Imam Mahdi’s (a) Reappearance
- ALI-085: Qur’anic Arabic, Level 4
- ALI-083: Tadabbur: Lessons from Sūrat Luqmān
- ALI-082: The Blessed Night of Qadr in Irfan
- ALI-080: Quranic Arabic Level 1
- ALI-079: Spirituality in Islamic Eschatology
- ALI-078: Teaching Belief in Madrasahs
- ALI-077: Three Islamic Courses
- ALI-076: Role of Quran in Daily Life
- ALI-075: Introducing Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-074: Ma’ad (Resurrection)
- ALI-073: Quranic Arabic Level 10
- ALI-072: Child Development
- ALI-071: Understanding Azaadari
- ALI-070: Importance of Marriage
- ALI-069: Quranic Arabic Level 9 (Ladies)
- ALI-068: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI-067: Quranic Arabic Level 2
- ALI-066: Quranic Arabic Level 1
- ALI-065: Study on the Concept & Consequences of Imamat
- ALI-064: Study on the Purpose and Principals of Prophethood
- ALI-063: Tafseer on Surah An-Naml
- ALI-062: Solving Conflict in the family
- ALI-061: Motherhood in Islam
- ALI-060: Islamic Geography
- ALI-059: Science in the Holy Qur’an
- ALI-058: Select topics from Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-057: Sirah of Imam Ali (a)
- ALI-056: Women in the Holy Qur’an
- ALI-055: Tafsir and Tadabbur of Suratun Naml
- ALI-054: Enhancing Communication Skills
- ALI-052: Understanding the Merits & Essence of the Month of Ramadan
- ALI-051: Wahy – The Divine Revelation
- ALI-050: Quranic Arabic Level 7
- ALI-049: Towards Acquiring Ma’rifat of Allah (swt)
- ALI-048: Spirituality Through Prayer
- ALI-047: Family Life in Islam
- ALI-046: Understanding the Quran
- ALI-045: Science in the Holy Qur’an
- ALI-044: Course on Islamic Geography
- ALI-043: Quranic Arabic Level 6
- ALI-042: Principles of Islam: Justice of God
- ALI-041: Themes in Sûrah an-Naml (النمل)
- ALI-040: Qur’ânic Arabic Level IV (gents only)
- ALI-039: Introduction to the Holy Qur’ân – Part 1
- ALI-038: Understanding the concept of Azaa
- ALI-037: Themes in Sûrah al- Ahzâb (ladies only)
- ALI-036: Quranic Arabic Level 5
- ALI-035: Ilâhiyât in Nahjul Balâgha
- ALI-034: Family Life & Conflict Resolution
- ALI-033: Themes in Sūratul Baqarah, Part 2
- ALI-032: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI-031: Quranic Arabic Level 4
- ALI-030: Hajj 1423 AH Seminar
- ALI-029: Collection & Collation of the Quran
- ALI-028: Themes in Sūratul Baqarah, Part 1
- ALI-027: Quranic Arabic Level 3
- ALI-026: Collection & Compilation of the Qur’an
- ALI-025: Significance & Authenticity of Sahifa
- ALI-024: Importance of Family Life in Islam
- ALI-023: Resolving Conflict in the family
- ALI-022: Qur`anic Arabic Level II (gents only)
- ALI-021: Qur`ânic Arabic Level II (ladies only)
- ALI-020 – Tilaawah of Qur’aan
- ALI-019: Qur’anic Arabic – Level 1 (Ladies)
- ALI-018: Qur’anic Arabic – Level 1 (Men)
- ALI-017: Arabic for Beginners – Level 3
- ALI-016: Motherhood in Islam (2)
- ALI-015: Motherhood in Islam (1)
- ALI-014: Karbala through History
- ALI-013: Sirah of Amirul Mu’minin Ali b. Abi Talib
- ALI-012: Arabic for Beginners – Level 2
- ALI-011: Motherhood in Islam
- ALI-010: Lessons from Nahjul Balagha
- ALI-009: Understanding Islam
- ALI-008: Family Life in Islam
- ALI-007: Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (s)
- ALI-006: Arabic for Beginners
- ALI-005: Learning to Read the Holy Qur’an
- ALI-004: Reciprocal Rights in Islam
- ALI-003: Lessons from As-Sahifat As Sajjadiyyah
- ALI-002: Understanding the Ja’fari Fiqh
- ALI-001: Introduction to As-Saheefah As-Sajjadiyya
- Summer 2019 Day Camp
- Friends of Nature Day Camp