This is a progressive course that runs for every 5 weeks consecutively with a break in the last two weeks of December. The course will focus on passages from Access to Quranic Arabic: Selections by AbdulWahid Hamid. Additionally the student will learn interpretation of the verses according to authentic Tafsir and books of ahadith to understand the deeper aspects of the verses in the Qur’an.
- Instructor: Br. Mohammadreza Ardehali. B.A. and M.A. in Arabic language and literature. Presently working on Ph.D. in Qur’anic Hermeneutics.
- Schedule: 5 Saturdays, Mar 17 & 24 and April 14, 21 & 28, 2018 (with two weeks break during Easter)
- Eligibility: All Muslims ages 16 and over.
- Prerequisite: Can read the Quran and has basic knowledge of Arabic.
- Venue: Recreation room on the ground floor at Crescent Village, 138 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill.
- Fees: $50, pay thru PayPal button on our website or by cheque.
- Registration: Click Here