Islamic Books for ages 0 to 3 years
At the Masjid Learning Series

Author: Katherine Bullock
Publishers: Compass Books, Canada
Description: A fun way to learn from things around the Masjid. Four books on:
Numbers at the Masjid – learn numbers while touring a masjid (mosque). With finger countable objects, and a numbers review on the inside back cover. Shapes at the Masjid – the most common shapes seen at a masjid; Colors at the Masjid – basic colors most likely to be seen at a masjid; Opposites at the Masjid – basic opposites to be found at a masjid
Details: A box set of four full-color board books, 10 pages each. Published in 2010
I Can Wear Hijab Anywhere

Author: Yasmin Ibrahim
Publishers: Islamic Foundation, U.K.
Description: The I can series teaches young children about important concepts of Islam. It helps them identify with that which is common to all Muslims and which should be a source of pride. This book shows how Hijab is not an obstacle and is part of an active and happy life.
Details: Board book, 15 pages. Published in 2010
I Can Pray Anywhere

Author: Aisha Ghani
Publishers: Islamic Foundation, U.K.
Description:The I can series teaches young children about important concepts of Islam. It helps them identify with that which is common to all Muslims and which should be a source of pride. This book shows how Muslims can pray anywhere, in the park, on a bus, even on the moon.
Details: Board book, 15 pages. Published in 2010
I Can Say Bismillah Anywhere

Author: Yasmin Ibrahim
Publishers: Islamic Foundation, U.K.
Description:The I can series teaches young children about important concepts of Islam. It helps them identify with that which is common to all Muslims and which should be a source of pride. This book teaches how we should remember God at all times and take His name before each action we do.
Details: Board book, 15 pages. Published in 2010
I Can Make Du'a Anywhere

Author: Yasmin Ibrahim
Publishers: Islamic Foundation, U.K.
Description:The I can series teaches teaches young children about important concepts of Islam. It helps them identify with that which is common to all Muslims and which should be a source of pride. This book shows how Muslims can turn to Allah anywhere and ask Him. It helps make life more meaningful.
Details: Board book, 15 pages. Published in 2010
The Throne of the Merciful

Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Publishers: Goodword Books, India
Description:The book teaches young children the message of Ayat al-Kursi, the verse of the throne.
Details: Board book, 16 pages. Published in 2003.
The Oneness of the Merciful

Author: Saniyasnain Khan
Publishers: Goodword Books, India
Description:A prayer book based on Sura Ikhlas.
Details: Board book, 13 pages. Published in 2003.
Allah is al-Khaliq (The Creator)

Author: Saba Ghazi Ameen
Publishers: IQRA Publications, U.S.A.
Description: The book shows how Allah creates wonderful and beautiful creations. This is the first book in the Bismillah Early Learners series by IQRA. The series introduces young children to preschool concepts such as colors, letters, shapes, and numbers through the names of Allah.
Details: A board book for young children. Published in 2002.
Allah is Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate)

Author: Saba Ghazi Ameen
Publishers: IQRA Publications, U.S.A.
Description:The book teaches children to appreciate Allah’s compassion for His creation This is the second book in the Bismillah Early Learners series by IQRA. The series introduces young children to preschool concepts such as colors, letters, shapes, and numbers through the names of Allah.
Details: A board book for young children. 10 pages. Published in 2002.
Stories of the Prophets from the Quran

Author: Siddiqa Juma
Publishers: Tahrike Tarsile Quran, USA
Description:The stories of Prophets Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, (a) and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s).
Details: Boxed set of six board books, 16 pages each. Published in 1999.
Our Loving Grandparents

Author: Kathy Fannoun
Publishers: IQRA Publications, USA
Description:A story of American Muslim children preserving their contact with their grandparents who live far away.
Details: Board book, 20 pages. Published in 1994
Allah made them all: Birds

Author: Sadia Khan
Publishers: Good word Publication, India
Description:A simple way of teaching children the proof of the
existence of a Creator through reflection on birds.
Details: Paperback, 16 pages. Year of Publication N/A
Allah made them all: Flowers

Author: Sadia Khan
Publishers: Good word Publication, India
Description:A simple way of teaching children the proof of the existence of a Creator through reflection on flowers.
Details: Paperback. Year of Publication N/A