Quran Tafsir Sessions by Shī ‘ī Muslim Speakers

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  • Create Date September 8, 2021
  • Last Updated March 10, 2024

Quran Tafsir Sessions by Shī ‘ī Muslim Speakers

By the Grace of the Almighty there is a renewed desire in the Ummah today to connect with the Quran. Millions of Muslims around the world are trying to understand their holy book more and are actively seeking resources that can help them in that quest. There is a huge demand for literature and lectures on the Quran. The hundreds of websites, online courses and lectures on the Quran that can be found on the internet is proof of this spiraling interest.

The followers of the Ahlul Bayt (a) of Prophet Muhammad (s) also have a limited but noticeable presence in the field of promoting the Quran and its profound teachings. Our speakers and scholars -may Allah ‘azza wajall increase their tawfīqāt - have taken up the challenge by making regular presentations on the contents, history and significance of the Holy Book. Many of these lectures can be found on the internet but because they are scattered over various sites, it is not always easy for people to access them.

At the Academy for Learning Islam, a team of volunteers has taken the initiative of preparing a comprehensive list of Quran Tafsīr sessions by Shī‘ī Muslim speakers. We hope that this will be useful for those who are seriously pursuing the journey to understand the Quran. The list covers all the surahs or passages of the Quran for which Tafsīr by Shī‘ī Muslim speakers is available. We request you to inform us if you come across lectures that have not been included in this list. We also hope that Shī‘ī speakers will continue to fill the gaps so we can have comprehensive coverage of the surahs of Quran.