Brief Info
Sūrat al-Nāzi‘āt, No. 79. Revealed in Makkah, 46 verses. Like many of the Makkan sūras, this sūra focuses on the theme of resurrection. The name is derived from the first verse of the sūra.
Merits of reciting the sūra.
The Prophet (s) said: Whoever recites Sūra al-Nāzi‘āt, his wait and accounting on the Day of Judgement will be the time of one obligatory prayer, then he will enter Heaven.
Of course, this reward will be for those who take heed of its contents and follow them. May we receive the tawfīq to recite the sūra with understanding, reflection, and implementation!
Synopsis of contents
– Oaths that emphasize the certainty of the last day (verses 1-5)
– Events of the Day of Judgment (verses 6-14)
– A mention of the story of Mūsā (a) and Fir‘awn (verses 17-26)
– Signs of the greatness of Allah in nature, which also prove the truth of a life after death (verses 27-33)
– Fate of people on the Day of Judgment (verses 34-41)
– Timing of the Day of Judgment (verses 42-46)
Some Lessons from the Sūra
1) The angels work on earth according to the command given to them by Allah ‘azza wajall. Their actions and pace change according to who they are dealing with.
2) History has moral lessons for those who want to learn.
3) Denial and doubt in the Hereafter stems from pride and worldliness.
Suggested verses for memorization in Arabic and English
1) 79:17 to 19 – Go to Pharaoh, for indeed he has rebelled, and say, ‘‘Would you purify yourself? I will guide you to your Lord, that you may fear [Him]?
2) 79: 40 & 41 – As for him who is awed to stand before his Lord and restrains his soul from desires, his abode will be paradise.
3) 79:46 – The day they see it, it shall be as if they had not stayed [in the world] except for an evening or forenoon
Activities for self-study
1) What are the conversations about the Day of Judgment mentioned in this sūra, both before the day and during it?
2) How is Fir‘awn’s rejection of the truth described in this sūra? What physical and verbal actions are mentioned?
3) What are the similarities between the role of Prophet Musa (a) and that of the Holy Prophet (s) as described in this sūra?
Āyatullāh Nāsir Makārim Shirazi (Ed.) Tafsīr Namūne; M. H. Shakir, Holy Qur’an Translation; Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’an With a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation.
Past lessons of Sūra Familiarization available at: