ALI 673: Creating an Islamic Worldview, Module 1

This online course aims to give a comprehensive and practical Islamic worldview necessary for youth living in the West. The course has been planned by students of the hawzah to give Western youth a grounding in an Islamic worldview.

Schedule: Tuesdays 9-10:30, Oct 10 – Dec 19

Ages: 16-40

The course is divided into 5 sections:

  • Unit 1: Understanding man in the Islamic paradigm with Syed Kamil
  • Unit 2: Foundational discussion regarding Islamic laws with Mujahid Noorani
  • Unit 3: Sirah of the Messenger of Allah with M. Mahdi Kassamali
  • Pre-recorded sessions on Tawhid by Bab Al-Ridha Institute

Unit 4: Each live session will discuss Qur’anic verses on the concept of Iman with Sayyed Farhan and Husain Modjtehedi.

More details about the content, goals, and so on, can be provided to those interested.


PLEASE NOTE: Registration indicates an agreement to attend classes on time

Week 1: Unit 4.1.1 & Unit 1.1

Week 2: Unit 4.1.2 & Unit 1.2

Week 3: Unit 4.1.3 & Unit 2.1

Week 4: Unit 4.2.1 & Unit 2.2

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7